Original igotmyrefund.com Website 2012

Our old site before we upgraded was quite busy as well.  Archived comments here.



They mostly cover the 9001, transcripts and Taxpayer Advocate topics. Also check out the newer threads on these topics in the forum.

(1 days ago) nicole said:

update- I recommend the early jan filers that have not got their money yet to get a advocate to help you out cause with me I’m a early jan17 filer they been holding my return in errors and resolution dept this whole time and wasn’t telling me the problem after all my constant calling and never got a letter so I was tired of waitn on them and decided to contact a advocate. Fyi they say you need to be in hardship but they don’t check or ask proof of your hardship, At least the advocate who helping me didn’t. My advocate called me tues 21st said she will contact me after she got info from the irs which was Friday 24th(fast) and it was a mistake my tax preparer made on my return so I will update once I get more info or my refund. Since its the weekend I won’t be able to fax what the irs needs till Monday.

(1 days ago) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

Kari or anyone–did you end up owing them money? We have to ammend ours too. But, i was told by a friend i can claim it next year? There a w2 missing on my finances return and a 1099 from oil spill on mine. What do you think i should do? Because i don’t want to be delayed next year. :-( could that be the reason my return was held for further review/processing this year? Maybe?

(2 days ago) annat said:

when you call the hotline is it a person or automated system? does it give you different info than wmr? what is the number?

(2 days ago) JT said:

firstjustme: yeah she stopped calling me back too, but I was given a DDD of 2/28 by the IRS rep yesterday, so I think she is just gonna let me see my money and not have to hear me anymore, they are pretty busy people from what I hear.

(2 days ago) LoveGod said:

Jaden, Some states only have 1 advocate others just a hand full. So, imagine what the service level will be like. I used one last year and all they can do is get your file put ahead of others. However, this year it seems everyone is using a advocate ….

(3 days ago) firstjustme said:

@jt I have been trying to contact my advocate for a week and she will not return my call. The first call or two, she was really efficient and called ME with info….now, nothing.

(3 days ago) tonya said:

anyone with injured spouse.

(3 days ago) kj said:

@ fla girl we filed 1/23 accepted on 1/24

(3 days ago) jt said:

the advocate told me to wait one week. guess what? 8 days later and nothing

(4 days ago) Jaden said:

Does anyone know how the tax advocate work and if it’s a good idea to get them invovled?

(4 days ago) Fla girl said:

@kh ok I will, hopefully not too long…i need my money like yesterday….I filed way back Jan.20

(4 days ago) kh said:

hey fla girl i got one on the 13th and faxed my stuff off on the 17th so hopefully soon keep in touch and let me know how yours go.

(4 days ago) Anonymous said:


(4 days ago) Fla girl said:

I have a case with the tax advocacy and just faxed all my info off today..about how long do they take to get you your refund?

(5 days ago) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

Hey guys,
I was trying to reference codes because a rep gave a code that I didnt understand and I stumbled upon this
Its from 2009 so I dont know if they still use these
***this link removed  per Google detection of malware***

(6 days ago) jemar707311 (mod) said:

TRANSCRIPTS: please see the various posts in our forum about this topic. here is my speech:

Ordering transcript can only definitively mean you exist to the IRS. However, it has been a theory around here that after transcript success, you have made some progress and are likely o get a hard DD soon. But please kep in mind that it has also been reported that after success at transcript, you could still be held up for various reasons.

I just don’t want this site to ever lead someone down the road of rejoicing or exploding based on us providing “definitive” type information that could be inaccruate. Please if you are offereing your advice or experience, whether it be re: transcript or any other matter, to ensure that you communicate to people that your comments are your experience or opinion. I want people to be able to come here and read everything, and then chew the information around to make their own informed decisions or theories. Please do not tell people “you should” or “that means”, without a disclaimer… lol

(6 days ago) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

TRANSCRIPTS: I don’t see the need to order them one reason, its a burden on an already overburdened system. While it may mean you are out of processing it doesnt mean you are getting a HDD in fact your return may still have other issues, some who have their transcripts still have no money and no HDD, others have received blank transcript with no info on them. So I don’t recommend ordering them. But the choice is yours.

(6 days ago) firstjustme said:

@kj My apologies for not seeing your question below. I was told that it could take up to three weeks….she did explain that it is a standard answer and hoped that it could be resolved and I would have it this week. I did finally get a ‘by 3/6′ notice.
I left a message for my advocate on Friday, so hoping for a return call and more info today.
I my landlord is so arrogant, he said that it was comical and laughable that they IRS is having delays….he is so well informed lol

(6 days ago) jemar707311 (mod) said:

On Feb 20 19:38 at efund.com by Ramen>;noodle>;budget 2/1
@Abolish Them 1-800-829-1040 # hit 0 a few times.. it will transfer you to opporator who will transfer you to where you need to go
[ ]

(Feb 20, 2012) mwellman (mod) said:

(2 minutes ago) becca said:
Here it is…dated feb 20, 2012

The Internal Revenue Service has been having more problems with delayed tax refunds.

Early in tax-filing season, the IRS warned that taxpayers who had filed prior to January 26 might see delays of a week beyond the projected date shown in the online “Where’s My Refund” tool (see IRS Warns of Tax Refund Delays).

However, since February 15, the “Where’s My Refund” tool has displayed a message indicating further delays. “We are aware that some taxpayers who have filed electronically and received an acknowledgement from the IRS are concerned when they visit ‘Where’s My Refund’ and are told that we have no information regarding their return,” said an update message on the page five days later. “This is a temporary situation, and we expect to resolve the matter in a few days. At that time, taxpayers will be able to get an expected refund date when they visit ‘Where’s My Refund.’”

Part of the problem appears to be with the new filters that the IRS installed this tax season to combat identity theft fraud, and which were blamed for causing the delays last month (see IRS Steps up Efforts to Combat Identity Theft Fraud).

The IRS asked taxpayers not to repeatedly call the agency to inquire about their refunds, but apparently many taxpayers are concerned about the delays, especially when they are getting mixed signals from the “Where’s My Refund” tool.

“If a taxpayer received an acknowledgment message that their e-filed tax return has been received, they can be assured that the IRS has the tax return even though ‘Where’s My Refund’ does not reflect that,” said the IRS. “Taxpayers should not call the IRS unless specifically directed by ‘Where’s My Refund,’ as there is no new information to give them.”

The IRS apologized to taxpayers for the situation and said most of the refunds would be issued within 21 days. “We expect the vast majority of tax refunds to continue to be issued within the historical range of 10 to 21 days,” said the IRS. “The IRS is taking steps to update information so .


(Feb 19, 2012) honesty said:

I filed Feb 1 got accepted Feb 3 showed no info until Feb 10 which was the damn 9001 code anyone else?

(Feb 19, 2012) Diana said:

How are you eve getting dates from anyone? I can’t get a date from WMR or anyone I talk to on the phone and have a 9001 code whatever that is… I’m going insane

(Feb 19, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

(within the last minute) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:
A hard date is an on 2/24 and not a “by” 2/24

(Feb 19, 2012) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

within the last minute) what dogs said:

(Feb 19, 2012) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

From ABC news:

If you’re one of the early birds who got your taxes done already and are looking forward to that tax refund, you may need to wait a little longer.

A computer problem has caused a nationwide delay with tax refunds being released.

According to the Internal Revenue Service most of the refund affected are the ones filed between February 2 and February 7.

Normally tax payers can just go online and check the status of their refund but even the “Where’s My Refund” page of the IRS website is not correct.

Up to 60% of all refunds filed during this time period are delayed affecting millions of taxpayers nationwide.

The IRS says this problem is temporary and they are working to resolve the problem. If you have a question about your return, you can call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040.

(Feb 19, 2012) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

(within the last minute) cindy filer 2/2 said:
This coming Monday is a federal holiday. As a result, unfortunately, the IRS will not release any refunds to any banks on Monday. As of today, looking at statistics of tax returns filed, here are some statistics from feb:
– for returns filed on 2/1, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/2, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/3 – 2/4, approximately 60% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/5 – 2/9, approximately 40% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/10, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/11, approximately 60% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on or after 2/12, the IRS has released only a small number of returns

(Feb 19, 2012) ma4pa.igmr (mod) said:

Here is a post I saw last night

I am an ETech (Electronic Technician) for the Internal Revenue Service. Code 9001 (in fact any 9000 series code) pertains to any system updates we perform. It does not mean you have been chosen to be audited, nor does it mean you have been selected for manual review. The only you can know if you have been audited is by certified USPS. The only way you can know you have been selected for manual review is to call and speak to a representative. Keep in mind that tens of thousands of people call daily. Some of them multiple times; in case you didn’t know, when you call your number is saved into our system as a point of reference (so we know when you last called and what you spoke to a representative about at that time). Also keep in mind that due to call volumes a lot of reps do not reference that info. *** We update our computer systems from 8pm on Friday(s) until 8am Monday(s). Your best time to call the AUTOMATED line is after business hours on Monday and Tuesday. The IRS does send out Direct Deposits on a daily basis, HOWEVER – with the system crash we had DD’s are being bundled. Most if not all DD’s will be sent out Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the week. Hope this helps.

(Feb 19, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

(5 minutes ago) Nichole said:
Someone posted this on one of the fb sites, it basically is the irs guide on how to respond to callers. Its pretty informative on why people get the responses they do. http://www.irs.gov/irm/part21/irm_21-004-001r.html#d0e149

(Feb 19, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

(2 hours ago) Lesley said:
I am an ETech (Electronic Technician) for the Internal Revenue Service. Code 9001 (in fact any 9000 series code) pertains to any system updates we perform. It does not mean you have been chosen to be audited, nor does it mean you have been selected for manual review. The only you can know if you have been audited is by certified USPS. The only way you can know you have been selected for manual review is to call and speak to a representative. Keep in mind that tens of thousands of people call daily. Some of them multiple times; in case you didn’t know, when you call your number is saved into our system as a point of reference (so we know when you last called and what you spoke to a representative about at that time). Also keep in mind that due to call volumes a lot of reps do not reference that info. *** We update our computer systems from 8pm on Friday(s) until 8am Monday(s). Your best time to call the AUTOMATED line is after business hours on Monday and Tuesday. The IRS does send out Direct Deposits on a daily basis, HOWEVER – with the system crash we had DD’s are being bundled. Most if not all DD’s will be sent out Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the week. Hope this helps.

( Answered 02/05/12 04:21pm in Deluxe ,Views by community 8714 )


(Feb 17, 2012) kj said:

firstjustme I got an tax advocate as well i did ours on the 13th and the advocate was suppose to call us by friday 2/17 well i called the advocate 1877 number and they gave me my case number and the advocate that was assigned to my case. i faxed her everything today. So how long did she tell u before you are able to get your refund. Our eviction is for 2/25.

(Feb 17, 2012) firstjustme said:

I called the advocate office originally, last week. After giving a massive amount of info, they said an advocate would call me back by the 14th. On the 13th I was antsy, so I called, that is when I was given my case number and my personal advocate contact info. I called and left her a message, which she returned the next morning. All the info I faxed her has been received and she said that my return was put on top of others for fixing. Any returns pulled by advocate go before non-advocate errors.
I am going to call her today because of the long weekend. I do not expect her to be able to tell me anything except for that they are working on it. I am due for eviction and having my power turned off today (well last day is today, so monday or tuesday) and am going to ask her if I can give her info to them for verification. My return was accepted on 1/16

(Feb 16, 2012) Get said:

Any recent news with tax advocate????

(Feb 15, 2012) michelle said:

hmm… not sure if i have commited to an avodcate or not have a case number and waiting for return call..i do have a valid hardship claim but in reading this thread am kinda worrid about how invasive the process may be.. any advise or sharing of personal experience would be greatly appreciated thanks.. thought i was on the right path now not so sure..

(Feb 15, 2012) Meme said:

I received a email saying that my refund date was feb 15 and the irs has recieved my tax info now a email saying delay date what should I expect

(Feb 15, 2012) Meme said:

I received a email saying that my refund date was feb 15 and the irs has recieved my tax info now a email saying delay date what should I expect

(Feb 13, 2012) firstjustme said:

I wanted to share some info/warning about the tax advocate. I am someone who did need to get them involved, at the IRS suggestion….anyways, I found out tonight, through a series of phone calls that since my refund was more then 14 days late they (the reg. IRS) could have fixed my error but since the tax advocate had already pulled my case, it is now in their hands. This is not necessarily a bad thing for me but possibly if someone goes through them and are actually nearing some deadline, you will lose that deadline and start over in a new department. Of course, there are some things that the advocates can fix or speed up right away, but this is not always the case.
It was at an IRS’s rep suggestion that I call the advocate because after days and days and maybe a total of 10 hours on the phone, nobody was able to fix my issue. I called tonight and found out that I finally have a advocate assigned to my case but since they had already pulled my info, the IRS could not fix it, it had to be done with the advocacy office.
So, warning for those that think it will help them, it may not. They are a good place to get quick info, and help if you really need it but beware. Good luck to all =D

(Feb 10, 2012) frustratedinVa said:

I contacted a tax advocate last night, and they are a valuable resource, BUT people need to realize that they are as limited as most CSR people. In my case they told me that I am under review because of EIC. They where shocked that I already have my transcripts as that is a signal that it is done processing. The very nice gentleman did mention that several sites have been telling people to call their line, and most just wanted a DD which they get frustrated about. He did tell me that if you are not at least at 3 weeks, they normally route you back to the IRS.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

I’ll second that maigann.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

@maigann, lol at you in the secret room over here….lol
Still sending some 9001ers this way.

(Feb 10, 2012) maigann1986 said:

In regards to the Tax Advocates, I know this whole situation is very frustrating, but chances are most of you will recieve your tax return within a week. I have also seen people that filed just a little over a week ago talking about getting advocates. I dont’ think they realize the process that takes place when you get a tax advocate to work on a case for you. They will talk to your employers, and like firstjustme said, they will verify every single word of what you said, before you know it months have passed and you may very well still not have a refund, when to begin with you would have been waiting another week tops, if that long even. Now if you have been told that you a. won’t be getting your taxes, and you feel this is incorrect, by all means advocate it up, or b. have been told you are going to have a massive delay, and you really are struggling and absolutely need the money asap, then again advocate it up. But I can not stress the reprocussions of opening a case with the tax advocates if it is not very important that you do so. Not to mention, if someone were to open a case with an advocate, and in all reality they are just wanting their money faster so they can get that tv and all new living room furniture, they could essentially cause a family of 5, 3 of which are small children, to go unanswered by the advocates and ultimately get them tossed out of their home. Just a little thought to keep in mind when deciding whether or not it is a good idea for you to open a case with them :b

(Feb 10, 2012) maigann1986 said:

@ Frankie, I was able to order my transcripts the night before last, about 24 hours later ( this morning actually) I got a wmr update of dd on 2/14, called my bank and the money is pending in there for tuesday.

(Feb 10, 2012) Melanie said:

@Frankie-I know NORMALLY in the years before, once given a final DD day it was usally a day or two sooner. I would start checking your acct on Mon. its a good possibility it may be there:)

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

Melanie yes I was actually able to order transcripts this morning, then I called n she gave me DD date of 2-15. Wmr still says the sane thing tho. Wonder if we will def get it that day or any sooner??? Sure Is nice to know I’m not the only one dealing with this lol

(Feb 10, 2012) Melanie said:

@Frankie- have you tried ordering your return transcripts today? If able too, you are probably out of processing with the same 2/15 DD date

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

@melanie, same exact story here

(Feb 10, 2012) Melanie said:

Here is some encouraging news. Filed and accepted 1/30. My hubby(primary) has always shown code 9001 even as we speak, mine has always had processing by2/14. I called IRS and asked for a definite answer of what was going on and she looked up my info and told me that I came out of processing today and full refund has been set for DEF DD 2/15

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

@angie. Yes in fact I just checked n my husbands still says 9001 n mine still says should recieve by 14

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

My sincere hope is that this hot topic thread today will help clarify the Tax Advocate Topic and allow people to share information for others to speculate or act on. Thanks

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Yes, burdening a valuable human services resource wouldn’t be beneficial n my opinion. However, I suppose each person has their own situation and definition of crisis which will get weeded out by them.

I found information about this group directly on the IRS site:

And door what it’s worth, maybe people can read this information provided there as well which eplains their relationship with federal government, their ole and history.

Click to access evolution_of_the_office_of_the_taxpayer_advocate.pdf

(Feb 10, 2012) firstjustme said:

As I was saying this morning, the tax advocate is a valuable resource.IT IS NOT PART OF THE IRS!! It is for people who have gone longer then three weeks since being accepted AND have tried to resolve things with the IRS many times, advocate will check all call logs and info and when those issues have not been resolved, they may be able to have part of your refund released. They WILL have you verify everything you say and it is not a short process.
Some people have insisted on having an advocate and since they are not the IRS but a public help agency, they will open a case for you and have an advocate call you back. When you get the return call, they will have you confirm everything you have tried, ask you some VERY personal questions, and make you verify everything.
It was my suggestion that people not automatically think this is a solution to the IRS delays, just a last ditch effort to resolve things when there are no answers.
I understand that most people are desperate for their money but overloading a public advocacy group that is not part of the IRS, is not the way to do it.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Taxpayer Advocate Service (877) 777-4778
this number was provided by one of our users and their have been both positive and negative reviews of the services provided. please share here.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Contact information removed from home page for the purpose of reducing their call volume and directing crisis situations only. Thanks to everyone for bringing this to light. We will need to post this all to the forum discussion created by ma4pa so that we don’t lose it when Hot Topic changes. Thanks!

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

James Michael said:
jemar707311 It is on links page but poster said they could not
find it. I may guilty of steering ppl to Tax Advocate. I will not
mislead ppl any more. Maybe you should remove link from the
top of the page.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

acm2425 said:
@ ma4pa and jemar707311 – FYI I called the tax advocate number days before I knew this site existed. I do have financial hardship and would hope that anyone who docent would have the common sense not to call.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Army Wife said:
So yesterday, I contacted a tax advocate who opened a case for me. I had an offset and as of yesterday it no longer shows on the offset line. I was able to order my transcript this morning. Called the IRS and my DD is scheduled for 2/15.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

(50 minutes ago) ma4_pa said:
well I did where someone called the tax adovcate and they just transfered her to the irs.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

ma4_pa said:
well I did where someone called the tax adovcate and they just transfered her to the irs.

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Tax Advocate clarification discussion here. This will remain topic for the day and a discussion is also open in forums:

(16 minutes ago) ma4_pa said:
@ michelee I started a discussion on the forum about the tax adovcate

(Feb 10, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

(30 minutes ago) jemar707311 (mod) said:
@ma4pa and acm24….thanks for the tax advocates clarification. I know a lot of people are desperate, angry, confused etc, and sure don’t want to burden a valuable resource if they really are useful to those with severe hardships. I will try and create the discussion, lol….want to make sure people have the info. But I’m tied sown trying to get new site ready. Lol, now horing’ VP of Info on Tax Advocate stuff….

(Feb 10, 2012) Angie said:

@Frankie- does WMR still say all the same info as before?

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

Just wanted to let everyone know I was able to order a transcript this morning, just got off the phone with a super nice IRS lady n she said my refund is scheduled to b direct deposited on 2-15!!

(Feb 10, 2012) Angie said:

I was able to order my transcript. Still getting 9001 msg for hubby tho. Processing and 14th for me.

(Feb 10, 2012) Kyleigh said:

Yes! You may be able to get a date now. :) I wasn’t able to get mine until today & was told I came out of processing yesterday by a rep.

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

I actually did order a transcript just about an hr ago. I did it thru the link on te previous page. So that’s a good sign that I was able to order it??

(Feb 10, 2012) Kyleigh said:

@Frankie Try to order your return transcript. I was able to order mine today & was given a hard deposit date of Feb. 15th. I’m still not getting updates on WMR online and the automated line still transfers me to a rep though.

(Feb 10, 2012) Frankie said:

Anyone get any diff news this morning??

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

Well, I am heading off to bed. I will check in tomorrow to see if anyone got lucky! Good luck!

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

As many people there is with this 9001 thing, I’d day it’s prob not an issue with our taxes but a mess up on the IRS part. But of course they aren’t going to admit that

(Feb 9, 2012) Eboni said:


(Feb 9, 2012) Eboni said:

And it does not help that the IRS wont give us straight answers about OUR money. This is bs!

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

I didn’t it was true at all. I was like if they review everyone who calls more than 3 times, well looks like no one will be getting any refund.

(Feb 9, 2012) Eboni said:

im still po’d that i have that 9001 code for a week. when are they gonna fix it? i think all 9001 coders are being reviewed. wtf?

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

@marcus how about it?? If my refund is gonna be late, fine, whatever Just freakin tell me the truth!!

(Feb 9, 2012) Eboni said:

@Marcus..thats not true

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

@Frankie – me too. I hate tax season. I can’t get a straight answer from anyone.

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

I just checked the wmr website n it still says “you may have entered wrong info blah blah blah” for mine and 9001 for my husbands. Bit when I called the hotline mine says should receive by 2-14 and my husbands does t say anything but puts me thru to customer service

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

My mother-in-law is now saying if I call the IRS more than 3 times that I get “flagged” and that I am now gonna get audited, how true is this crap?

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

Typed my wife’s info on hotline, gave me 2/14. But the IRS Rep when I typed my info said “add extra 7 days to make sure everything is right with you info you should receive it by the 29th”. What is going on?

(Feb 9, 2012) Anonymous said:

Marcus same here. When will we get our refund.

(Feb 9, 2012) Kyleigh said:

Has anyone had any luck getting a transcript?

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

@Marcus- try the WMR hotline using ur wifs info, see if it gives u the 2/14 date. That is what my situation is

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

WMR under my SS# – code 9001. Under my wife’s SS# cannot find info. Called IRS they said no problems, should receive it within time. Called Refund Hotline and got transfered, I guess, to a IRS rep and she said add an extra 7 days to make sure “everything is right”. Should receive it by 2/29 and I filed and accepted on 1/29. My DD on WMR was 2/14 before I had the code 9001, was the same for my wife’s SS# until today when it gave NO INFO FOUND.

What’s going on and what’s wrong?

(Feb 9, 2012) Kyleigh said:

The advocate didn’t help me either. They just told me “give it 3 weeks”. :(

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

It’s funny, I googled the 9001 code and found discussions and thread about it from 4-5 years ago too. It’s nothing new, but it is to me!

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

@Angie- EXACTLY, I keep going over and over in my head wondering if I may owe some inknown money or I filed something wrong 5 years ago. They have me so paranoid!

(Feb 9, 2012) Anonymous said:

Tax Advocate doesn’t do crap, honestly. DIDN’T HELP ME AT ALL! Thanks for pretty much repeating what I already knew.

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

I am with you Melanie. I have never had issues and since it IS the IRS it makes me a little paranoid. Especially with my refund being so much! It’s like the feeling you get when a cop drives behind you, but you know you aren’t doing anything wrong!

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

@Sue- they look up your info, tell you alot more about your refund and ecpected dates and are a hell of alot nicer in my opinion

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

Melanie I have almost same exact story as you!! First rep I talked to said they had a date of 2-24, second one said still processing, a week later than anticipated????

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

All I know is I have been filing the same way for years now and I have NEVER had these problems, WMR would showprocessing date then DD date then money came. What is up with this year?

(Feb 9, 2012) sue said:

what does the addvocate do?

(Feb 9, 2012) sue said:

this is just stupid some get processed some don’t & they can’t do anything about it ?

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

I did call IRS on Wed and was told I was pulled for review but she had no idea why and it would be 4 weeks, called irs addvocate and he said he showed NO review and that I was just processing, with expected DD 2/14 but they had until 2/21 to refund

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

@Melanie- I wish it would be tonight, but I am not counting on it :( But, I will still say a prayer!

(Feb 9, 2012) Kyleigh said:

@Melanie says the same for me also.

(Feb 9, 2012) Marcus said:

WMR under my SS# – code 9001. Under my wife’s SS# cannot find info. Called IRS they said no problems, should receive it within time. Called Refund Hotline and got transfered, I guess, to a IRS rep and she said add an extra 7 days to make sure “everything is right”. Should receive it by 2/29 and I filed and accepted on 1/29. My DD on WMR was 2/14 before I had the code 9001, was the same for my wife’s SS# until today when it gave NO INFO FOUND.

What’s going on and what’s wrong?

(Feb 9, 2012) sue said:

this is what is confussing me my neighbor came over 29th her and her daughter used my computer filed with tt same as me we all had dd for 14th they came over sat the 4th and said check your bank we got are refund they did I did not

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

@Angie- glad to know its not just me, I filed 1/30 accepted 1/30. I hope the DD is tonight, fingers crossed but whoo knows!

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

Melanie same here

(Feb 9, 2012) sue said:

filed and accepted on 28th called irs said they did not recive until 30th told her I got a e-mail saying they accepted same day she says I am sure you did still no info or update
(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

I filed 1/31 and was accepted within hours.

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

Yes melanie. Exactly my situation.

(Feb 9, 2012) Melanie said:

WMR under hubby ss# (he is primary) code 9001, under my ss# say cannot find info. WMR hotline under my ss#say processing and should recieve DD by 2/14…….anyone else with this?

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

And we had a “should receive by 2-14” until Sunday. Since then my hubby’s has had 9001 but my SS still says 2-14??

(Feb 9, 2012) who knows said:

I filed on the 31st, no info on the wmr till about the 4th and that was the 9001 code, then finally on the 7th it updated to being processed should receive by the 21st, just hoping for a ddd now

(Feb 9, 2012) Angie said:

Kendall-I have same info as you!

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

Sue I filed 1-31 n it was accepted 2-1

(Feb 9, 2012) Kendall said:

filed and accepted 1/29 and when the system updated this sunday is when I started getting the error

(Feb 9, 2012) sue said:

I also got 9001 as of sunday when did you all file

(Feb 9, 2012) Kendall said:

Same situation, hubbys number brings up 9001, mine still says 2/14 even though I should have been in the 2/8 dd ~ Oh well found out my state taxes were completely offset, and so I’m on pins and needles now!

(Feb 9, 2012) Anonymous said:

Same here. I check WMR daily but nothing has changed from 9001 since sunday. Originally it said I should have my deposit by 2/14. IRS wasnt very helpful either.

(Feb 9, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

This is a temporary thread for those with the 9001 error because it’s a trending problem. If you got here by accident head back out to main page….

(Feb 9, 2012) kendall said:

JoeRich I hope you are right!

(Feb 9, 2012) Frankie said:

Kendal wouldn’t that be nice. I’m the same as you. Said 2-14 but today is giving me nothing. When I check under my husbands SS I get the 9001

(Feb 9, 2012) Anonymous said:

JoeRich at least sounds like he knows what he is talking about. Very interesting.

(Feb 9, 2012) Kendall said:

:) does this mean we could get a deposit tonight? My estimated dd was by 2/14 but I locked myself out and havent been able to check. So whats the consensous? Think if you filed before 2/1 we could get paid tonight?

(Feb 9, 2012) Anonymous said:

wow this is classy seems like GOD has spoke

(Feb 9, 2012) jemar707311 (mod) said:

Created this as a temporary thread to discuss the 9001 error.

My research turned up this online by a user JoeRich who claimed he was an IRS employee.

“Code 9001 (in fact any 9000 series code) pertains to any system updates we perform. It does not mean you have been chosen to be audited, nor does it mean you have been selected for manual review. The only you can know if you have been audited is by certified USPS. The only way you can know you have been selected for manual review is to call and speak to a representative. Keep in mind that tens of thousands of people call daily. Some of them multiple times; in case you didn’t know, when you call your number is saved into our system as a point of reference (so we know when you last called and what you spoke to a representative about at that time). Also keep in mind that due to call volumes a lot of reps do not reference that info. *** We update our computer systems from 8pm on Friday(s) until 8am Monday(s). Your best time to call the AUTOMATED line is after business hours on Monday and Tuesday. The IRS does send out Direct Deposits on a daily basis, HOWEVER – with the system crash we had DD’s are being bundled. Most if not all DD’s will be sent out Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of the week. Hope this helps.”


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