Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided whe

Home Forums Archives Date Filed, Accepted and DD Dates Still no Date! Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided whe

  • This topic has 55 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by kettle_pot.
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  • #5533

      I’ve had this ridiculous refund status on WMR and the hotline since Jan. 31. Filed on 1/17 and Accepted by IRS on 1/25. Only claimed EITC and Child tax credit for my 3 kids, like I do every year. Anyone have any idea what this means? It doesn’t say I’m under review like other threads I’ve seen, but was wondering if this message is a precursor to that. I feel like I’m in purgatory. Aggravating seeing people that filed almost 2 weeks after not only have deposit dates, but already have their refunds. I’m happy for them and all, but WTH IRS????

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      • #4110938

          Yep same boat as rest of you. Filed and accepted mid feb. Have seen this status every day since end of march. Well over 30 day mark now. Impossible to get anyone on the phone. Called all times of the day and the button sequence that used to get me to a live person now just says they have a high call volume and to go F myself.

          Wasn’t aware of the transcript thing; looking into it.

        • #22508

            I filed my taxes in the beginning of march and still have not gotten anything. I check the site and phones once a week for both on different days. it still says im being processed and will get a date when ready. I haven’t gotten any letters or anything from the irs. so is it really being processed or am I being garnished for some reason…(idk what though).

          • #22407

              I file my taxes Feb 13 went to still processing bs few days later got letter on feb27 say that need nutting and wait 60days so I called IRS ever week for about 5weeks and was told nutting and I called got TA about week half ago she said she would look in to things for call me back 3days latter to me that holding my refund to make shore my W2 where right and she sent a request for my refund to be released so I been waiting to hear from her past week or so she calls me today told me IRS has released my refund and I should have it with in next 10 days god I hope so where my refund still say processing bs this site has help me a lot or never would of know in anything about TA and would lot my mind with out hope from you people so this my store hope helps

              • #22621


                  Did you get a hold of a person at the IRS hotline? I cannot seem to get through to a live person. I filed in January as well, received an initial letter from IRS in February saying my account was being reviewed and then nothing else. My status has not changed once on the WMR. I also used Education Credit and have significant student loans. Any help would be appreciated.

              • #22386
                Brandy J

                  I filed and got accepted Jan 27, 2014. I got a notice dated Feb 21 saying it was being reviewed for 1 of 4 reasons. Federal tax, EITC, Child Tax Credit or Business Income. It said if i have not heard anything or recieved my refund within 60 days, to call them. So i spent 90 minutes on the phone today, on hold most of the time. The agent tells me all she can do is send a referral to the processing department and to wait 30-45 days. What a crock. $9000 is my refund so im a little ticked off. I need that money bad! All this time, where’s my refund is giving me same response. It’s still being processed. A date will be provided when available.

                • #22266

                    I too am stuck with the “YOUR REFUND IS STILL PROCESSING A REFUND DATE WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN AVAILABLE” delay. I filed on January 31st and was accepted on January 31st. after 2 weeks I got that message. on February 17th I contacted the IRS because it was past 21 days, at that time I was told that there was an error on their part in the processing of my return and to give them another 6-8 weeks to which I had no choice but wait. well the eight weeks are up and I called them again today and was told the same bs. they have no information and I have to wait another 6 weeks from April 9th. they have no explanation, no information nothing just wait. I am seeking information from anyone who has experienced this or know someone who has. btw I took the liberty on the advice of an IRS agent and sent in proof of my identity, my w-2 and information to support my claim.

                    • #22343

                        We are too in the same situation. Most of my family members. All claiming EITC. One received a letter stating he was qualified again for EITC and to wait 6 weeks after the letter was sent which the 6 weeks would be up sometimes end of April (WMR status also says the same “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.”) Another family member that have claimed EIC every year also has the “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.” and have had this message for almost 2 months now. All have sent in returns and accepted since early February and have been waiting since…

                    • #22238

                        I am new to all of this, how do I order my transcript??

                      • #21707

                          I filed march 14 2014 says accepted same day today is 3-27-2014 and still says being processed does anyone know when ddd are updated or how long it takes to be approved this is nuts and if i dont get dd by april 5 ill be moving and homeless this sucks

                        • #21301

                            The IRS accepted my return on 2/3 via efile. My son sent his NYS tax return paper based on 2/10. He just received his refund on 3/12. i am still waiting .

                            The website says “Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.”. It has been like that for two weeks?? This is ridiculous. We are going on six weeks! I already got my state return which I efiled along with the fed. Like I mentioned, my son paper filed after me and got his state taxes yesterday. And I need the money! grrrr

                          • #21133
                            Christian’s Mommy 82

                              I filed/accepted 2/18/2014. I have codes:
                              971 03/17/2014
                              570 03/17/2014

                              I pulled my trans and see that I claimed the Addtnl Child Tax Credit in error (I only have one child). The IRS already took the 630 off of my expected refund amount and it is updated in the AT’s. Under where it shows ‘Tax Return Filed’ on the AT, I have a Cycle Code of 20140905. I got curious about this and called the IRS yesterday. I got a very young sounding girl who did not seem to know much more than I did from the AT’s. She put me on hold and came back to say that ‘bc I filed MFS they are reviewing my Child and Dependant Care Expenses which could take 60days’. She also said there was a letter sent to me last week but that she didn’t know what the letter said or what it meant. I explained about the ACTC and she confirmed what I was seeing. I asked if that was in fact the issue that she was referring to and she said it could be. That led me to ask her if she could see the letter and she said no… I asked if she could see anything besides my transcript and she said basically, no. Then, I asked if it was possible that the ACTC was the issue and, since the IRS alrdy dealt with it, it was possible my refund could already be in process of release/DD and that the system/AT was just not updated yet… and she said that was possible. It seems to me the IRS reps just do not know what is going on outside of the recent AT’s which, to my understanding, are not updated more than once a week.

                              Has anyone else had this type of issue? I am trying to be patient and wait and I know the letter is on its way but I just cannot stand the mismanaged way this is handled every year.

                              Any thoughts and shared experiences are greatly appreciated :-)

                            • #21079

                                I logged on for a transcript and they said it will be in the mail. What does that mean? Does that mean my refund should be coming soon?

                              • #21078

                                  *sigh* A LONG SIGH. We filed the 5th of February…… Everything was fine. Saw the orange bar…. Few weeks later, no bars….. Only a message that it is being processed…………………………………… Now today WMR unavailable.. I mean really?? No info? Nothing. An approximate date?? Something. Sorry to be such a nag guys. However my family and I need this money.

                                • #21042

                                    I filed and was accepted on Feb 12th. Still showing in process. BUT, I went in to order transcripts and when I clicked on the 2013 Account section (the second part), It showed my refund as deposited on March 17th….so I’m guessing that’s when they’ll deposit it. Try clicking on that and see if tells y’all anything….

                                  • #20985

                                      Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available

                                    • #20727
                                      Need a Breakthrough

                                        I really need some help with this issue. My WMR bar went away today! It states that my refund is still processing and a date will be provided when available. I’m shitting bricks because I need my money and this has never happened before. I filed through tax act like I always do, but now this happens. I don’t know whether to call or not. The irs still has until the 19th to approve my refund since that will be the 21 day mark, but I am worried. All my alerts cleared when I filed so I wonder what the issue may be?

                                      • #20671
                                        Frustrated 2014

                                          Received this message today! So frustrating!

                                        • #20344

                                            filled 1 20…accepted jan 26 still nothing only one bar and code 152….my buddy who did his taxes around the same time that was accepted on jan 27th got his return today but he prepaid his…i have fees coming out of mine but sbbt dosent show my return yet….Hoping for tomorrow

                                          • #17314

                                              Mine says that tooo…what does it mean??

                                            • #17228

                                                filed 2/2/13, accepted 2/2/13, suddenly went to processing message and then i received a letter combat zone deferment but not in military. still saying processing. claimed no eic. i filed someone else they got their dd the next week

                                              • #16783

                                                  I e-filed 2/1 and it was accepted 2/2. I STILL have the “A refund date will be provided…” black hole.
                                                  But I called the phone number listed below (800-829-0582 x 362) and found out that because of the Ed credit, we will receive our DD 4-6 weeks from March 11. Don’t know if that’s the same for everyone. That puts my DD between April 8-22; 9-11 weeks after filing. Very frustrating, but at least we have a ballpark date now to work with. She said that the “Where’s My Refund” is accurate so I guess I’ll start checking again in April. Hope you all get better info!

                                                • #16619

                                                    I filed my taxes electronically through FreeTaxUSA on Jan 17, my taxes were accepted by the IRS on Jan 25, although I know that they would not start processing until Jan 30. I began checking my status on WMR on Feb 3, and initially I had the “step bars” but within just a few days they were gone and it read “Your refund is still being processed etc…” I then realized that the Education Credit form would not begin being accepted until Feb 14, and it could be 21 days from then before I even got a deposit date. Here it is March 18, and I still have no money, and no deposit date! I called the IRS several of times and my answers consisted of “everything is filled out correctly, you just need to wait”, “we have no new information”, “maybe we are waiting to hear from the college or University”, “it can be another 6 weeks” (that phone call was made on March 11) and each answer was on different phone calls! Finally on March 13, I called a number I found on a different thread that has an extension to get a live person and I talked to a lady who explained that there was a processing error with the Education Credit (form 8863) and they had mailed letters out and to ignore mine if I got it. I explained the entire journey I have had with my refund and that I assisted a friend of mine with hers and she too had the Education Credit and she got her refund already. The lady I was speaking with asked if my friend filed before or after Feb 22, I said after and then she proceeded to tell me that because she filed after the 22 is why she had received hers, and because I filed in Jan is why I have not! Not once did the lady look up my information and although I asked her to, she still refused and assured me that thousands of people are going through the same thing, wait another 4 weeks before I call back and try not to check WMR, so that when I do get my refund I will be surprised! (WTF???) I don’t really understand how filing later speed up the process and the people who filed early are being punished! The number to call is 1-800-829-0582 ext.362. Also, if you can get a rep who actually likes her job and takes the time to show interest in your issues, I read that you can ask them to do a “referral update”. I know my answer is not going to come from this thread but any advice helps, and I hope that the info I have given helps someone else! As sad as it is, I know that I am not the only one going through this and I think it is crazy, but what can I do!

                                                  • #15627

                                                      Any new news here?

                                                    • #15569

                                                        Psychegal, did you get your refund ?

                                                      • #14618

                                                          I filed on 1-30…accepted 2-1… It’s now 3-2 and still no money or date and IRS told me there’s no issues… :(

                                                        • #14545

                                                            My refund status changed from being process you should receive in 21 days & now it says refund still being processed a date will be provided when available..Is this bad? Should I be worried?

                                                          • #14096

                                                              Filed 1/16
                                                              Accepted 1/30
                                                              E-File through HRB
                                                              Credits/Forms: EIC, Child Tax, 8863

                                                              Bars showing acceepted from 1/31 to 2/13 with Tax Topic 152 and general 21 day message.

                                                              2/13 Went Ghost

                                                              2/14 Status changed to no bars and your refund is still being processed and you should exepect your refund in 21 days or less.

                                                              2/16 Status changed “your refund is still processing and a refund date will be provided when available” and is still like that now on 2/23

                                                              HRB gave me a DD of 2/20
                                                              I have WF so they said to expect a 5 business day delay in getting my DD but I don’t believe it at this point.
                                                              Can’t ever get a person at IRS without getting magically “disconnected” everytime.

                                                              Gonna call HRB again see what they tell me. Ugh – Hope it just comes in monday cause my brain is going to explode.

                                                            • #8930

                                                                @wifey awwww hope we will get our refunds soon!! especially those who need it badly :(

                                                              • #8910

                                                                  Hi all…this is my first ever post, although I’ve been lurking on this site for over a week now. We used a CPA this year (loads cheaper than JH) and he sent our stuff in via e-file on the 30th of Jan. We had 1 W-2, married filing jointly, EIC, and 2 children-one born in early 2012. It was a sizeable return, just over $9000 because my husband opted to have more taxes taken from his wages so we could get this big return. As per the WMR website, I waited a full 24 hours to check my status, and it was showing as accepted, processing, 21 days, blah blah blah on the 31st of Jan. And it stayed that way until this past Monday morning (2/18), when it changed to Your return is being processed, a refund date will be given when available! We’ve had nothing about a review or a problem or anything, called and spoke to an IRS rep who, true to form, gave us the generic ‘we can’t do anything until 21 days are past’ shpeel, but DID tell us if there was a problem that WMR would show it. STILL can’t order transripts (neither account or return) as of this morning and tomorrow is the magic day of 21! I’ve noticed that alot of people are still waiting, but most are at least able to order transcripts?? As luck would have it, we desperately need this money (like most everyone else) and since we need it so badly, it’s NOT COMING!! :-(

                                                                • #8888

                                                                    got this msg since 2/16. no eic or forms. just a basic return. filed & accepted 1/28th. still can’t order a return transcript, just an acct transcript. ordered 1st one on 1/31st & it was all blank w/a processing date of 2/18. so i ordered another one on 2/16 when wmr changed to this status to see if i got any 570 or 971 codes like the others since my first one was all blank & on the bottom it even said no tax return filed lol…oh boy. let’s see what the 2nd transcript says this time.

                                                                  • #8689

                                                                      has anyone had any updates since yesterday on the status of their refund being that the wmr site was suppose to have this big update last night?

                                                                    • #8676

                                                                        @Sheashell:…we filed the same date and accepted the same and we both is stuck on that “a refund date well be Provided when available

                                                                      • #8633

                                                                          does anyone know the number to call to here your transcript over the phone I ordered mine yet still have not received them nor has the 800# or wmr updated to say anything different other than a refund date will be given when available called the holds department yesterday the rep said they didn’t see any but my return is still processing…..a bunch of cramp… I filed 1/18 accepted on 1/24 orange bar has been gone since 2/1….

                                                                        • #8530

                                                                            Which is up in 5days…I listen to my transcript over the phone…my refund been approved…whats the hold up

                                                                          • #8529

                                                                              Belltwin05. They did not start processing returns till the 30th even though some were accepted before that. The 21 days are not up for anyone according to the IRS till the 21st FEB

                                                                            • #8527

                                                                                Still no DD, 48hrs after being able to order my Return Transcript and 4days after receiving “A refund date will be Provided when Available”… And 3days b4 my 21days is Up….Everybody i know has their Refund and they all filed after me…Filed 18th..Accepted on the 24th

                                                                              • #8336

                                                                                  Did u order a transcript

                                                                                • #8324

                                                                                    My return just went from that message (which was like that since the 7th) back to the bar this morning. No 8863, no EIC, just child tax credit and the W2s for me and my husband. We were accepted on the 26th, and still waiting on even a ddd or refund approved!

                                                                                  • #8322

                                                                                      @MrsTiff:….my wife just ordered our Return Transcript 2Day…so im hoping for a good sign

                                                                                    • #8253

                                                                                        I have been sitting on that message for over a week now. Still no dd date on wmr but I was just able to finally order return transcript so they have processed my return. So glad to see some movement finally

                                                                                      • #8250

                                                                                          I Received that same message @ 1230am on the 12th…this is the second day of me sitting on it…so I hope a get sum good news soon

                                                                                        • #7708

                                                                                            good to hear that julia!! i got my msg yesterday Your tax return is still being processed.
                                                                                            A refund date will be provided when available. it was on the 21 day msg since i was accepted on 1/28……so hopefully ill hear some good news tmr!!! finally some progress….filed 1/26 accepted 1/28 21 day msg until 2/9/13 hoh, 3 dependents, tuition deduction(not credit)

                                                                                          • #6164

                                                                                              I have had this message since thursday night. I have no offsets, hoh, 2 dep. Still waiting for a ddd. Hopefully I will get one today or tomorrow. I don’t want to order transcripts and have not called I don’t want to cause any unecessary problems.

                                                                                            • #6110

                                                                                                Looks like I’m getting my refund!

                                                                                                After sitting on that message for 2 days, wmr finally went to 2 bars today (saturday), with a ddd of 2/13! I’m so happy! Now I’m gonna be a total stress-monster waiting for it to actually happen, especially since I’ve seen a few posts of people saying they did not get their refund on that date. So I hope I’m not jinxing anything by posting lol!

                                                                                                But anyway for those still sitting on this message, there is hope. My details:
                                                                                                Filed on approx 1/24, entered into wmr as accepted on 1/30, although I have reason to believe that I wasn’t “actually” accepted until 2/1. Sat on the first bar with 21 day message until 2/7, when the bar went away and went to the “date will be provided when…” message. No education credit, mfj, 2 kids (1 born in 2012), eic, no offsets, dd to a regular bank. I never tried ordering any transcripts or calling any representatives, too afraid of messing something up.

                                                                                                Hoping to see a bunch more replies on here of good news! Good luck to all!

                                                                                              • #6100

                                                                                                  I filed on 1/24, accepted on 1/26. I’ve been getting the processing message without a stus bar since about 2/4. Today I was able to order my refind transripts.

                                                                                                  My understanding on that is being able to order the transcripts means your taxes have been processed. Idk how long after that you have to wait to get your refund…but all the same… I’m happy there’s some change.

                                                                                                  My reccommendation is for you to try to order your transcripts everyday, so you know if it’s made any progress. You won’t get much of anywhere with IRS representatives on the phone. Believe me, I called at least once a day every day this week.

                                                                                                  People are saying they get DD’s right after being able to order their transcripts. So, give it a shot. Sorry! It sucks for all of us this year!

                                                                                                • #6099

                                                                                                    I know people that filed the same day and got their’s this week.

                                                                                                  • #6098

                                                                                                      Here is what I think. I think that most people on here including myself will get approved tomorrow (I know tomorrow is saturday, bare with me), and will have a dd date of 2-13. I filed on the 29th and got accepted on the 29th but been stuck in processing since. So hang in there everybody, got a feeling we are getting our money Wednesday.

                                                                                                    • #6088

                                                                                                        @Julia I was thinking kind of the same thing that maybe the refund is ready but they may be trying to come up with the deposit datr with the bank or something. I did see someone post that they got their refund on 2/2 which was a Saturday. That would be nice to wake up to un the morning. I bank with Bank Of America. I wondered if anyone else out got a deposit on A Saturday this year or previous years. I can definately say from all the posts I read that WMR is not reliable.

                                                                                                      • #6085

                                                                                                          Oh well, still got that message again today. I was so sure I’d wake up to a ddd this morning. Got my fingers crossed that I’ll see something tomorrow.

                                                                                                          I saw a lot of people on the feed saying that even though wmr is not showing anything yet for them, they are calling and being told ddds of 2/13. I’ve also read that those that were being held up with the education credit are going to start processing on the 14th… so maybe there is some truth to the ddd of the 13th for those of us that don’t have education credit? Maybe they want to get all of us out of the way before they start tackling those?

                                                                                                          Again, wild guess, making stuff up, but anything at this point to help me keep staying positive!

                                                                                                          • #21289

                                                                                                              @Julia: I went through this same crap last year because I go to school online and they had to verify that I was in school in order for me to get the education credit. This is my last year and I graduate in April so this is probably the last year that I will get the education credit. It seems as if the same problem is occurring again this year: having to verify that I am indeed going to school online, although you have to wait to get your from 1099 T from your school in order to put on the tax form the school code and the tuition figure. Ugh I just don’t get it. Today is day 29 for me excluding weekends and President’s Day.

                                                                                                          • #5985

                                                                                                              I hope you’re right Julia! I started seeing this message today, and there was an error on my return that was corrected yesterday. I called and the rep seemed very positive that I would be receiving my return “very soon”, she couldn’t give me a date though.

                                                                                                            • #5980

                                                                                                                I’m starting to think this message comes up when the refund is ready, but there is still something processing on the deposit end. Like if the resulting deposit date would have been a weekend, or if they’re still trying to validate the bank info.

                                                                                                                Totally just a wild guess, obviously, but in the absence of any other theories, I figured I’d throw that out there.

                                                                                                              • #5800

                                                                                                                  I would call and ask if there are any flags on your account you will be transferred to a different department who can pull this up. Did that this morning and found that we were placed under review :/ I was accepted on 01/24. Goodluck guys

                                                                                                                • #5730

                                                                                                                    I had been the 21 day message but today the 1800 line updated to the above message. The WMR isn’t finding my info.

                                                                                                                  • #5667

                                                                                                                      I’m in the same boat. I don’t get it.

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