Today's Chat with the IRS

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season Today's Chat with the IRS

  • This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Candy.
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  • #4224846

      Filed 1/31 EIC/ACTC, No bars, no letters, no movement.

      I called today and talked to a person. I told him I’d been getting the scam IRS calls so I wanted to call and make sure everything was ok. I updated my address (I had moved over the year) and then he told me my return wasn’t actually received until the 2 of February and didn’t start processing until the 15th (standard IRS script, I’m sure). Upon looking at my account he said the address may have been the holdup because there were no letters or ID verify or anything he saw.

      Hoping that’s good news and I can see some real movement on my return soon. Anyone else have updates today?

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      • #4225752

          @Aaron He said 9 weeks is what they tell you but it should be 2 weeks he said he pout info in computer and it should update.

        • #4225744

            @Candy – did they give you a time frame for the deposit? I ID Verified today, too. I was just wondering what they told you.

          • #4225714

              I had that still processing message got the 4883c letter today in mail just finished verifying he said because of amount they wanted to verify it was right person. This year was a higher refund fur me maybe that triggered it..

            • #4225682

                @Renee oh wow I’ve never heard of that. I still don’t know much about what’s going on. Thanks so much for the reply.

              • #4225633

                  what are the exact questons they asked for ID verify??

                • #4225628

                    What are the EXACT questions they asked you when you had to ID verify????

                  • #4225615

                      That’s a in-house flag. If you don’t get a letter to id verify then you’re good.

                    • #4225543

                        @kim this is crazy. The stories and scenarios have me so nervous. I decided though if I don’t see any movement by Saturday I will call next Monday perhaps.

                      • #4225511

                          I filed 1/25 accepted same day and when I called because my bars and amount disappeared but still had tax topic 152 I was told I was under review. My bars are still missing but my amount is back. I spoke with a IRS agent today she said I was under review couldn’t tell me why and any information and that it could take 45 days if they needed any information I would be sent a letter. When I go to hrb website it doesn’t show we’re i filed for this year which is crazy. Does anyone know what this could mean ?

                        • #4225497

                            Stephanie, the exact same thing has happened to me. Filed on 1/29 accepted 1/29, had one bar and processing message with TT152 then this past weekend switched to no bars, no TT and simply states we’ve received your return and it is still being processed a refund date will be provided once available. I do still have my amount showing as well as the last four of social and filing status. My transcripts are not showing up – simply has n/a next to 2017 for all of them. Please keep me updated if anything changes for you especially with your transcripts because it seems like we didn’t even file according to our transcripts.

                          • #4225433

                              Yall got me so nervous to call. I really don’t want bad news. I filed 1/26 and was “accepted” 1/29 per TT. I had one bar up to 2/3 and then it disappeared. My message still say “your tax return is still being processed”. No Tax Topic but I can still see the amount. I haven’t received any letters to date. I’ve already gotten state back. When I pull my transcripts it say N/A or no tax record on file. This is frustrating and has never happened before and I’m seeing horror stories online so I’m so scared.

                            • #4225416

                                I’m in the same boat as you, Shay! I literally had the same conversation with a dipshit IRS agent today. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” What kinda shit is that? But he looked right at my return and said there was nothing wrong with it, nor was there anything I needed to do. A review was started around February 1st, but unless I get a letter from them, I “shouldn’t worry about it.” And to “just keep checking for updates.”

                                I swear I don’t know how these people are employed. My 6-year-old could do a better job.

                              • #4225389

                                  Filed 1/29 and accepted same day. One bar and TT 152 until 2/15 it updated to no bars and the generic still being processed message. EIC/CTC never got a PATH message

                                  Lady told me that I’m under a review and it could take an additional 45 days to process. FML. Please call and check on your returns.

                                • #4225376

                                    Do you have TT 152?

                                  • #4224854

                                      What number did you cal?

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