Sbbt bank updates

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  • #4169355

      Anyone that filed with TTthat has a ddd of 2/15 see their funds taken out at sbbt yet…I was hoping for an early deposit tomorrrow but my refund still has to gotten to the bank :(

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      • #4182170

          I had fees taken out for my state return as an option. I checked the SBBT, and they couldn’t find my information, but it seems that as soon as I started writing them for information on what happened, I saw my pending deposit. SMH. I filed with TaxHawk with the option of paying for my state return out of my federal. NEVER AGAIN! I will be paying the $15 up front from now on. All of that for $24.24? The least that could have been done was update their system!

          Check your bank / credit union. You may already have a pending deposit. I filed 1/23 and have a ddd of 2/22.

          Oh. . . and they still have my information as UNAVAILABLE!

        • #4181873
          Johnny Blaze

            IDK man, i even called the automated number to check on the status and thats not even working. Here it is if somebody else wants to try could just be me


          • #4181868

              The SBTPG website you access for information about whether they have received your funds is in no way connected with the processing of said funds. They finally updated with receiving funds for some people so now everyone else is hammering the site and their servers can’t deal with the traffic. It’s like a clogged, overflowing toilet and everyone’s solution is to keep pouring more water in.

            • #4181778

                wow…earlier I was able to log in but like some of you said already…the site appears to be down or is majorly overwhelmed.My browser cant even get it to open.MY guess is most of the issue is they are updating the site.

              • #4181751

                  They might as wellell posted, leave us tf alone and let us do our job. You can get in with no problem if you’re a tax preparer, so how is the site down?? 😕

                • #4181746


                    There was probably too much traffic on the site they are working on it, the msg they posted on the home page said the site hiccup is not causing delays with processing or the sending out of funds

                  • #4181722


                      Site is down I believe the servers were overloaded and crashed. Luckily, this isn’t going to affect our refunds…or so it says.

                    • #4181652

                        Anyone else having problems logging in to sbbt?

                      • #4181552
                        atari powell

                          my DDD is the 23rd in still nothing when will they get my funds in when will they send them to my bank i have amrican express

                        • #4170138

                            I went through TT, this is my first year how do I check to see if they hot mone?

                          • #4169528

                              Hown do you know if you got a path message on wmr??

                            • #4169523

                                About 10 am pacific time is when it hits them

                              • #4169513

                                  I have the same DDD and a also waiting for deposit to hit SBBT. I have dealt with them over the years and it has always hit SBBT the day before. No point in checking all night tonight though. They seem to credit them during the day. They are in CA and I am on the East coast so I can’t even expect to see a think until noon at the earliest.

                                  Once they post it they send it right over to your bank. I have Netspend so it shows up late afternoon. Sometimes at 3 or 4 PM. One time it was after 6 PM.

                                • #4169385

                                    SAME Im watching it like a HAWK, will keep you guys posted, I’m hoping it hits tomorrow and is there in my bank WED but i looked up the last couple years and it seem like they get it on the DDD and send it so you get it the next day :(

                                  • #4169367

                                      To you as well

                                    • #4169366

                                        Here’s hoping! Good luck to You Don!

                                      • #4169361

                                          Same boat as you… I’ve read where some people’s refund have reached SBGT bank the day before DDD and deposited into their account a few hours later..

                                        • #4169358

                                            Still hasn’t gotten to the bank yet

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