PATHer! I just got a letter :(depressed

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season PATHer! I just got a letter :(depressed

  • This topic has 11 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Belle.
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  • #4212997

      Filed 1/19 updated to Path 1/27 just came home to letter from IRS. Checked where’s my refund this morning had Path message still have Path message just looked at transcripts all good codes. Guess I won’t update from the Path this will be a long ***wait. I really needed my taxes to get dental work done.

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      • #4213572

          Nvm it was posted yesterday, well this would be a person trying to spread panic..

          Transcripts have codes just say that you got your transcript that’s all 💁🏽‍♀️

        • #4213569

            Just came home to a letter on a Sunday? 🤨

          • #4213546

              Hahahaha, my guess is they didn’t get a letter, they got a transcript, just like the 1000s of others who order their transcripts thinking it will help them avoid PATH.

              If you get a letter to ID verify, this will not be sent until PATH updates, and you will get a take action message, I know because I had that happen last year. Audit letter, you will still get your refund, even if you audit. Manual review doesnt send a letter, it just gets a delay message.

              If this person is a PATH, nothing will happen until the 15th, good or bad. They got transcripts.

            • #4213522

                Someone’s looking for attention. If you’re not going to say what the letters about then why post? Judging by the statement hat it’s going to be a long wait it obviously wasn’t a good letter. I’m so happy to be in a position in life where I don’t depend on my tax return.

              • #4213513

                  I honestly think hes just trying to scare people

                • #4213509

                    Was this letter to explain you need to id verify, your being audited or any of the other hundreds of different letters they send out? Or were you just informing us you got a new pen pal at the IRS? Kidding of course, but yeah we need a bit more information to assist you unless you were just venting frustration, in that case vent away tax time is very stressing.

                  • #4213179

                      More info please.

                    • #4213055
                      Dylann Roof

                        What did the letter say ? Maybe there is something you can do.

                      • #4213049

                          Do you view your transcripts online?

                        • #4213006

                            What does your letter say?

                          • #4213000

                              Whats the letter about?

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