No Tax Topic or Bars w/Refund Amount

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season No Tax Topic or Bars w/Refund Amount

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  • #4244612

      Does anyone else have no bars, the message **Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.**, but are still showing a refund amount?

      Normally when the tax topic and refund amount are missing, there’s a review or audit. What does this mean? Is this normal processing?

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      • #4245411

          Yes I am in the same boat…. I had to mail in my return because I had an address change and my pin was sent to my old address…I mailed it in over 3 weeks ago, had one bar after about 6 days and then they’ve been gone ever since. I finally called the IRS and they tried to give me the 6 week for mailed in returns speech, but then I told her I had an address so she told me to hold on…. she asked me a series of questions to verify my identity and said since she did that she would put me back in processing. I had a hold due to filing without a pin even though one was issued

          She did say it could be up to NINE weeks, but then I am back in the normal processing now…. So I guess, now I wait!

          You’re not alone though…mine does not have tax topic 152… that only shows up when the return is officially accepted. Since mine is still in processing it’s not there…Hang int here

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