NJ refund? Roughly how long…

Home Forums General Discussion 2016 Tax Season NJ refund? Roughly how long…

  • This topic has 22 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Rachetta.
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  • #4124227

      I have a pretty straightforward NJ refund. Any ideas on how long it usually takes to arrive? I was accepted on 1/23 (for NJ) and it doesn’t show up on the NJ site yet.

      I got my federal refund already, on 1/29.

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      • #4150542

          I filed in Feb 2016 for my state taxes and it is now Sept. 2016 and I haven’t received one fine of my money. Really 6 months and still counting, this shit is freaking ridiculous… They are using our money because New Jersey is broke but oh if you owe they snatching your shit ASAP!!!! I am calling Channel 3, 6, 10 and Oprah Channel cause this is outrageous

        • #4144845

            Nj state update got ddd for 3/3. Not sure if there’s a possibility of it showing up a day sooner (maybe tomorrow)?. Never got my state so close to my federal ddd (3/2) before. Usually nj takes a month or longer for me and I filed on 2/18 so this will be quickest nj turnaround for me ever! I’ll let h know if it comes before my 3/3 ddd.

          • #4144490

              I filled with TT on 2/06 and accepted on 2/07 I have received my federal refund on 02/18. I was checking my state refund status once a day, but, today I noticed that my state refund was approved and DDD is 3/3/16.

            • #4144484

                I filed and accepted 2/18 and no state still says processing, no ddd but federal is set for 3/2 ddd. I’ll let u know when I get my state.

              • #4143967

                  Today I received a dd for my state on March 1st. Yay????. Wish everyone luck.

                • #4143966

                    Today I received a dd for my state on March 1st. Yay????. Wish everyone luck.

                  • #4143757

                      Yeah jersey is notoriously slow every year. My daughter filed on 2-5 got fed ddd on 2/18 and nj website said Did update on 2/15 telling her it was processed but held for an offset. Not sure had she not had an offset if she would have gotten a ddd from them on 2/15 or not. Keep us updated I filed mine 2/18 and they aren’t even showing my info in the system to check as of today…give nj mooooore tiiiiime…

                    • #4143441

                        I got my DDD of 1/23 a few days ago. I think on Friday?

                        And I did get my actual deposit today.

                      • #4143397

                          Did you receive at DDD or actual deposit. Just check NJ site and its down. I filled 2/11 accepted 2/12. I don’t know if mine will be delayed because I had NY income as well.

                        • #4143394

                            Thought to fill anyone listening on this I just received NJ state refund.. Filed on 1/31.

                          • #4140763

                              It’ll be fine you just gotta give it time. New Jersey is slow, like most of its residence lol I just checked mine an says processing and also noticed at the bottom it says give a minimum of four weeks. Im almost on week 3. Im not sure when nj started processing either. Of there’s nothing by early March I’ll start worrying about my couple dollars they’re holding lol

                            • #4140651

                                @ragnar I hope so because on Friday my information was on the website and it said processing. Now it says that they have no information when I go on the website. However when I call it has my information it says processing. Do you think it is a glitch on the website? If anybody know can you give me an answer. I hope everything is ok.

                              • #4140307

                                  Comps were stuck on 2014 info. So u had to enter return amount for last year. They finally updated 2/11 but haven’t approved any yet that I know of

                                • #4127717

                                    If I remember correctly I wasn’t able to track mine at all last year. Told me my info was wrong then randomly got $. I may have just given up after a few weeks of checking every day though

                                  • #4127624

                                      @RHelg80 nope still say no information found. Glad I’m not the only one I thought it was just me.

                                    • #4126959

                                        I just looked back to last year’s and I got my federal return on 2/7 but didn’t get Nj return until 3/19. When you owe them money they want it NOW. But take their time to give it back lol typical Jersey for you

                                      • #4126626

                                          Well…that’s fun. Thanks for the info, Kaldria.

                                        • #4126556

                                            It takes about 6 weeks after it is accepted to get deposited. That is how it has been the last 3 years.

                                          • #4126495


                                              Does the NJ site even recognize your submission? They still tell me they have no info on my refund.

                                            • #4126490

                                                I’m waiting as well accepted the 15th.

                                              • #4126487

                                                  Filed on 1/22. Accepted 1/23. Still nothing on the NJ site.

                                                • #4124305
                                                  Ragnar nilsen

                                                    When did you file? An Jersey likes to take their time. Usually right when I forget about it is when it gets deposited

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