Netspend deposit

Home Forums General Discussion 2016 Tax Season Netspend deposit

  • This topic has 34 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Robin.
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  • #4132499

      I have had Netspend over 6 years I get my social security disability check on Netspend I get my Uber check on Netspend and I get my regular paycheck on Netspend. Netspend has never posted a return on a Saturday or a Sunday but once Netspend has been notified that you are going to be paid they pay you as a matter of fact I got my disability check for January posted Christmas Eve which my check is due on the 3rd of every month. I don’t know why people feel is necessary to get on here and tell little fibbs, but if I am wrong and you can prove to me that Netspend posted your deposit today I will sincerely apologize but I doubt it. And I receive a text message of every deposit and every withdrawal so I’m not going to keep calling Netspend I’ll wait till I see a text from Netspend but I wish everyone good luck for tomorrow but remember there’s a lot of checks to be posted good luck and God bless you all

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      • #4143027

          Netspend does deposit on Sundays Here is the proof…..

          NetSpend: $2,377.85 available after $2,466.00 Direct Deposit load from IRS TREAS 310 on 02/21

        • #4133953
          Not on Sunday

            February 8, 2016 at 3:22 pm

            Thats really weird. I have never gotten a deposit after 6 AM Eastern Time (where I am.) They always make me wait until the next day for it and i’ve been banking with them for over 8 years.

          • #4133879

              My refunds the last 3 years have come in on a Sunday evening. My hubby also gets child support for his oldest every other Sunday night onto his netspend card.

            • #4133863

                Look I know you’re a knucklehead nothing no one has proved to me that they got a deposit from Netspend before 12 o’clock last night only thing I owe you an apology for you being born so stupid

              • #4133016

                  Plz leave God out of this its sad how ppl talk these days,ppl who talk about God in a bad way reall need to be ignored only but the devil trying to mess up some ones day always been his plan.My GOD is good all the time.

                • #4132946

                    Great news! It seems my deposit tried to come because I got a text saying I had a pending deposit and I need to call customer service.

                    Now when I go online it says there is a problem with my account and I have to call

                    Am I screwed now?!

                  • #4132944

                      Well actually, pple are on the netspend group on Facebook posting screen shots of their deposits that they just received. So that’s a myth that has just been debunked! Also I have gotten Sunday deposits for CS before. So they do indeed post on Sunday. Ijs.

                    • #4132933

                        Where’s that rozlyn woman. She owes me an appology

                      • #4132931

                          Can you post a picture here? I can prove that i get a dd every sunday with netspend.

                        • #4132925

                            No fees

                          • #4132921

                              Fees or no fees from sbbt?

                            • #4132919

                                Always a stalker never a poster. Just had to let netspend users to check cards. Filed 1/30 had DDD for 2/10. Just checked my card and its been deposited. Thank goodness.

                              • #4132878

                                What in the hell does being a cop have to do with knowing the IRS and ach deposit working?
                                That’s like saying cars don’t roll uphill, I know because I’m a veterinarian..

                                Cops in Texas aren’t cops anymore, they are debt collectors thanks to the tag scanning system and credit card readers installed in patrol cars that allow them to pull over only people with warrants.

                              • #4132861

                                  Well this is my first year with using netspend an in trying to figure out when my refund will come on my car ddd of 2/10;) Any info is appreciated thanks in advance ;)

                                • #4132825

                                    1. IRSeriously a JOKE actually DEPOSIT IT IS miraculous

                                    2. PLEASE STOP BUYING THE PROPAGANDA they are NOT behind They are processing 10’s of thousands dated 1/25-2/1 when the e-file companies sent the 1/14-19 returns through (TT) many were REJECTED & resubmitted they were accepted but THE REJECTED MESSAGE triggered a series of processes …THUS…SYSTEMS “DOWN”

                                    3. THE IdiotRevenueStooges publicly denounced their 1.3% raise and SAID THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO MEET DEMANDS & JUST EXPECT CHAOS I mean really their compensation packages make the DEPT OF REVENUE/TREASURY one if the TOP US EMPLOYERS AFGE UNION is 600,000 deep 5 STAR HEALTH INS MATCHING CONTRIBUTION (your $$) RETIREMENT PLAN BLAH BLAH

                                    SO moral of the synopsis THEY NEED TO TELLV THE TRUTH QUIT JAMMING UP SYSTEMS & GET OFF THEIR KEESTERS& help struggling AMERICANS

                                  • #4132817

                                      @ Krystal congrats to your GF at least someone got paid today????????

                                    • #4132815

                                        Let’s just say perhaps given how behind they are they showed a few exceptions and allow some funds to get delivered today… Who cares when people get their Dd’s it’s none of our business. Why are we bugging people about when they get their money and how they get their freaking money?!? These boards have become needlessly hateful… Grow the fuck up people… ??? this stuff is more entertaining than the superbowl?… Kind of?

                                      • #4132805

                                          My girlfriend got her refund today…she doesn’t have netspend but has a prepaid card and when she woke up at 8am her money was there and it wasn’t there when she called at 4am…..not sure if it was a screw up or something but hers did get deposited on her card today and it was scheduled for 2/10….

                                        • #4132803

                                            No refunds on Sunday! Period! That’s it. I should know I’m a cop!

                                          • #4132792

                                              Netspend does not do deposits on sunday ever. Irs does not send refunds on sunday, ever.

                                            • #4132767
                                              Whatever Lucius Lucifer

                                                Maybe if you had your mate maybe you have something better to do with your time but I understand why you don’t and you probably won’t

                                              • #4132766
                                                You are mad

                                                  Sounds like to me you mad because somebody else knew more than you, that comes from a lack of education you should go back to school and get you some

                                                • #4132763
                                                  So dumb

                                                    It doesn’t matter what being fat no one is getting a deposit tonight from Netspend so take that and stick it in your take your mouth and suck on it

                                                  • #4132747

                                                      Though against board rules I did it only to piss off whatever her name cause she pissed me off in several threads lol

                                                    • #4132720

                                                        Lmao why slander god.

                                                      • #4132661

                                                          Hey rozily. There is no God. Get over yourself. But feel free to believe in a fairy tale. An I see another person has said they also have received a refund on Sunday so shut up. I’m not digging through emails from years ago to prove myself to such a whiney lil girl. Should I make a new thread for how you believe in a story written over 30 years from said “events” then translated many times over years. You’re dumb, leave your own thread.

                                                        • #4132652

                                                            I stand by what I said they only post returns Monday through Friday go google it

                                                          • #4132650

                                                              Our business days are Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays, even if we are
                                                              open.    Any references to “days” found in this Agreement are calendar days unless
                                                              indicated otherwise. I got this off of the Netspend site you can google it like I said if Monday through Friday they post returns

                                                            • #4132643

                                                                I have myself gotten my refund on a Sunday around 1145pm 2 years ago with a ddd that was scheduled for a Wednesday deposit. Last year it was a Friday.

                                                              • #4132635

                                                                  And just like you this is a free god damn country and I can say whatever the hell I feel like it and you can’t do a damn thing about it anal retentive insipid muddle-headed , and if I recall he did not come down from the cross to save himself he came down from the cross to save Idiot like you

                                                                • #4132634

                                                                    If there is a different God than the one that you have been hallelujah to you but I said nothing about God so keep your stupid ass comment to your stupid ass self Idiot

                                                                  • #4132633

                                                                      And if it didn’t pertain to you then you should have ignored it but I said it like I see it

                                                                    • #4132631

                                                                        I also said if you prove me wrong I will be the woman that I am and apologize but I’ve been with Netspend for a long time and have never gotten a deposit on a Sunday Monday morning after 3 a.m. but never on a Sunday so if you prove me wrong then I’ll apologize but I doubt it

                                                                      • #4132538

                                                                          You felt the need to make a new thread calling people such as me a liar? I have indeed gotten deposits in a Sunday. No I’m not saying it will happen this year with a ddd for 10th. Ii have woken up at 10am to a deposit already there and a different year a deposit around 10pm when I was in bed. Keep your lame God outta this. Jesus couldn’t save himself, think he’d save you

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