NEED TO AMEND Call IRS? TA isn't helping

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season NEED TO AMEND Call IRS? TA isn't helping

  • This topic has 27 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by tls.
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  • #4238924

      I feel like my local TA office isn’t trying to help. Picked up the phone 4 times and stayed silent, then just told me I will have to wait a few weeks for them to finish reviewing. I decided to look and I did make a mistake on my withholding (one number difference). Called back and she said, just file an amendment. Thats it. Not like I am hearing with others where the TA is having the 1040x faxed to them to speed up the process, nada. Any advice on what to do anyone???

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      • #4239075

          Nao…Don’t send an amended return until it’s processed. You will then know for sure if the IRS thinks you made a mistake and they send you a letter. If you send one now it will just hold things up and confuse the process. Just because you caught an error that you can amend later doesn’t mean that it’s being held for that reason. If it’s something simple they may fix it themselves.

        • #4239039

            I don’t think I can handle trying to talk to another person there. Its exhausting.

          • #4239035

              18008290922 this the number i called i called 3x basically they was all nice and said the same answer. Just press 1 for english and dont press anything after that i usually wait few mins i get through

            • #4239034

                Not to mention a few of the people I spoke with made me feel like I had committed fraud. My math error ended up screwing ME not THEM. I made less money than I stated so I qualify for a larger EIC. Maybe thats why they aren’t in any hurry to address mine!?

              • #4239033

                  @xxtina really? I was told they wouldn’t fix it. Grrrrr

                • #4239032

                    I called the irs the guy was trying to manually fix my error but the phone clicked off. Ughh… but he did say they usually manually will fix it them self no need to amend. And i called again this other lady said they started the review since 2/26 she basically said the same thing to wait for the review to be done i still can get the refund before 45 days.

                  • #4239026

                      Correction I mean I have filed off pay stub before and never had any issues.

                    • #4239025

                        @moneytalks same here. I have filed off of w2’s in the past and never had an issue. I am so mad at myself for not just waiting an extra week and I would have filed the correct info and I’m sure I wouldn’t be here right now. NOthing I can do about it now. I just never expected any of this. First time qualifying for EIC so I had no idea how they scrutinize those returns.

                      • #4239021

                          Trust and believe I will not make this mistake next year

                        • #4239020

                            @rachel My reason for amend was because another W-2 came in the mail the day after I filed

                          • #4239017

                              That’s why I say give it another week before.ammending can you imagine going even further back lol

                            • #4238999

                                @moneytalks, I sat on hold for a long time on friday only to be transferred to a spanish speaking IRS person. I did not request one…. I asked if she could speak english and she just hung up on me.

                              • #4238985

                                  Oh and the line just hung up after 2 hrs and 30 mins on hold SMH. I feel weak

                                • #4238984

                                    The reason I was thinking about it was because the people at the IRS that I have talked to made it sound like my return was just going to sit in review for ever and never get issued unless I took some sort of action. I haven’t gotten any correspondence from the IRS so I’m frustrated.

                                  • #4238983

                                      @moneyTalks but what was your reason for amending?

                                    • #4238982

                                        Do Not Amend until you get your refund back, I f’d up and did the opposite and it has pushed me allllllllll the way back. I filed 1/31 and sent amend like the next day (2/5 is when the IRS say they received amend return). Not knowing this would cause such a delay if I knew I promise I would have waited.

                                        Long story short received letter about sending in forms for healthcare which was another delay but they received everything pretty quickly.

                                        Now i have been on the phone trying to get an advocate to except hardship. still on the phone on hold now for 2 hrs plus!!!!!!!

                                      • #4238978

                                          That is sort of how I’m feeling now. I really do need it but I’ve waited so long now that I’ve just resigned myself. I guess it will be a pleasant surprise if it ever does come.

                                        • #4238973

                                            That’s how i feel @rachel. I’m just waiting. I’ve waited this long. I’m blessed i dont NEED it, but, i mean, who doesn’t want an extra x,xxx in their savings? Lol

                                          • #4238970

                                              @naomionekanobe I don’t think you can really believe anything they tell you.

                                            • #4238963

                                                Lol. Just got of the phone and two people said to amend. Now i really Don’t know.

                                              • #4238954

                                                  @waiting, same here! I was feeling pretty hopeless on friday. Now today after talking to someone else, I just don’t know. Its exhausting trying to communicate with anyone there.

                                                • #4238950

                                                    We are in this together I will let you know if I hear anything different.

                                                  • #4238947

                                                      @rachel lets hope for a miracle I have heard of people having it adjusted and getting back corrected amount so hopeful they are right. I meam I cant see why if we needed to send ammended they wouldn’t tell us too. So just donwhat they say for now.

                                                    • #4238946

                                                        @waiting thats how I feel. NOTHING is happening!

                                                      • #4238943

                                                          its crazy…I mean they were very clear in saying do not ammend yet. They all said you .ay receive amount that is less. You may receive something that tells you what to send all things will.make it move.faster then ammending so at this point if I dont get any changes this week I will ammend I guess and just wait. Even though they said not too because something needs to happen.

                                                        • #4238934

                                                            @waiting I am right there with you. I guess the safest bet is to just wait until my review is done. I’m just frustrated because I have gotten no letters even telling me I am under review. Any info I have gotten is just from me calling.

                                                          • #4238932

                                                              Have same issue although spoke to IRS twice and two tax advocates they all said do NOT ammend it may take longer that IRS will either fix or send something to you to send something in. They said if you ammend it will tske longer. I even said people are saying to ammend they said do not. That was four different people now. So not sure what to do.

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