Help filing lawsuit on irs.

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season Help filing lawsuit on irs.

  • This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by NY315.
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  • #4237135

      We need to get together and sue the IRS.
      Won’t tell us anything witch is against our rights.
      They want us to pay taxes but won’t give us what is owed to us.
      Called and told them I was getting an attorney the lady sounded scared and said please just give it time. They have been sewed befor

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      • #4238559

          Then go ahead and file your lawsuit, you’re obviously more versed in the law than myself and the army of lawyers the IRS has on payroll. Best of luck to you!

        • #4238513

            @give me
            Has getting on my nerves. Has one of those people who think they know everything. Why is he even still on here if he said he already got a direct deposit date. You just have to ignore stupid people

          • #4238509

              Actually, I never received a letter. I have NOT been told what I need to do. I have NOT been told that I’m under review. It’s going on 6 weeks since I filed and until yesterday morning I didn’t even know if someone from the IRS was looking at my case. They are looking at it now and all my advocate asked me was if I had insurance or not, which I did, not through the marketplace, didn’t claim anything for healthcare at all.

              The reason some people are mentioning a class action lawsuit is because the IRS is violating the Tax Payer Rights…the right to know what we have to do to fix the issue. The IRS has NOT told many of us what we need to do. Heck, every time I have called they gave me nothing at all. Even with an advocate I’m still not clear on what I have to do. I don’t even think the advocate is to be honest. If you think this kind of nonsense is acceptable then you have incredibly low standards. I don’t.

            • #4238501

                The class action lawsuit you linked has nothing to do with delayed refunds, it’s a suit with illegally collected license fees.

                As annoying as it is that our refuns are delaye,d by reviews, ID verifies, or anything else – it isn’t against the law, The IRS is following their procedures, which were known to us before we filed. We’re not being kept in the dark, we are told they are being reviewed and we are given a timeframe (either 45 days or 60 days) when it will be completed. If any other additional information is needed or given, the IRS lets you know.

                It sucks, but ride it out. Anyone can sue anyone for any reason you want, but since the IRS has done nothing illegal you have no grounds for a suit. Threatening a call center employee will accomplish nothing. Good luck with your refund…

              • #4237933

                  Posting this again without the link to the Forbes article about the class action suit I referenced. The original poster was obviously saying she thinks a class action suit for the mess this year could be warranted.

                  As for your claims for why you are here…if that’s true then stop being an a$$. That’s what you are being. You have no idea what others are going through and you are just being unnecessarily MEAN.

                  NY315 I guess that recent class action lawsuit against the IRS where they lost $175 Million dollars was just make believe.

                  Stop being a troll and insulting people. Attacking a person’s spelling is petty and juvenile.

                  You assume that everyone earns enough money to be able to set money aside. That’s not the case.

                  And finally…it says a great deal about the kind of person you are to come on this site and belittle, insult and attack people. Is your life really that boring and empty that you have to get your jollies by being an internet troll? That’s so pathetic…pipe down, Chachi.

                • #4237942

                    @giveememy damn money
                    Thank u. You have been a big help

                  • #4237912

                      @Jackie Just keep in mind that happy, well-adjusted people with full and productive lives don’t come onto websites like this and take sick pleasure in the struggles and misfortunes of others. Likewise, they don’t go online just to attack, insult, belittle, demean and make fun of people who are struggling. Think about that for a moment…what kind of people behave that way? I’ll tell you what kind of people DON’T do that…people who have their lives together and are as “awesome” as some of these tools THINK they are.

                    • #4237868

                        The nerve of some people! Smh! Think about others feelings instead of attacking them! Understand that this IS a problem and I have never in 20 years of filing had this problem either! So if they choose to sue, its their issue! I hate when people are so inconsiderate!

                      • #4237742
                        Rio b

                          Check this article out ppl:

                          This is what’s going on and I think their stealing our money …get an Advocate. Please!!!! I got one.I’m waiting!! Please get a advocate.


                        • #4237710

                            Some people don’t have income so yes WE are depending on our refund! Be considerate! People such as myself may have extenuating circumstances! I was laid off in February! Mass layoff! So 600+ people lost their jobs! Just because you’re fortunate and don’t have to depend on your refund doesn’t mean others shouldn’t depend on theirs! Everybody aint the same! JS!

                          • #4237665
                            Well Alright Then

                              Sue the IRS.
                              How do you plan to go about the class action lawsuit?
                              I was incredulous before I really thought about it, you’re right. The IRS is apart of the American government. They should have their stuff together, like they do every year except this one it seems.

                            • #4237587

                                In 7 days my landlord will start eviction proceedings against me and my disabled child. I drive for Uber and Amazon. On January 21 my car broke down. My starter needs to be replaced. I have not been able to work since then. I got my final 1099 on Jan. 31st and filed my taxes on Feb. 1. I have missed 2 car payments and that is about to be repossessed. My electric and internet is about to be turned off. I am about to be homeless with a disabled child.

                                I have spent over 12 hours on hold or on the phone with the IRS and they can’t even tell me what the bloody hell I need to do to get my refund.

                                For some people this may just be an inconvenience but for me it’s about losing EVERYTHING or being able to pay my bills and get my car fixed so I can actually work and survive. I have every right to be furious and you can bet your sweet patootie that if there is a class action suit over this freaking “fuster cluck” of a tax year you can count me in.

                              • #4237582

                                  I am sorry but I seriously doubt the minimum wage IRS worker answering phones is afraid of you getting an attorney. Would not impact her in any way! LOL

                                • #4237581

                                    Not to mention the IRS has a lot better lawyers than any of us could ever afford.

                                  • #4237578

                                      @steph and @La2826 agreed. I am in the same exact boat as everyone else and I am frustrated and disappointed and could CERTAINLY use the extra money. Everyone is talking about getting the money they are owed… I am getting a lot more back than I put in. Its a blessing to have extra but I don’t want to have to count on it to pay my damn rent.

                                    • #4237575

                                        I get that everyone is stressed this year. I filed and was accepted to 1/19. I have not received my refund and finally had my I’m selected for further review letter arrive.
                                        It is a bummer but how does everyone not have any money? Like how do you pay your bills the rest of the year? No one should count on, or depend on their refund for rent.

                                      • #4237385

                                          You got to be kidding

                                          If you cant wait a few days for your refund
                                          Then how can you afford a attorney.

                                          And even if you wanted to start a lawsuit.
                                          By the time the papers were drawn up
                                          You would have your refund and u would lose intrest lol lol

                                        • #4237332

                                            I agree, I been saying this all week. They are not valuing our rights as taxpayers and they’re not being honest.

                                          • #4237283

                                              Good luck with that.

                                            • #4237228

                                                I’m in too !!!!

                                              • #4237186

                                                  If you want to go class action, count me in. This year is a direct violation of our right to be informed.

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