Feb 19-25th Filers Let's Goooo!

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season Feb 19-25th Filers Let's Goooo!

  • This topic has 69 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Fanatic.
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  • #4233434

      Filed 2/19/18
      Accepted 2/19
      Don’t know abbreviations lol but filed child and education credits.
      Currently at 1 bar
      Tax topic 152

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      • #4239365

          Stbg received deposit today!

        • #4238894

            I just talked to the bank… Pending deposit for 3/14!!

          • #4238778

              Amex Serve did deposits Friday evening

            • #4238769

                Anybody expecting early deposits???
                I mean earlier than 3/14/18?


              • #4238548


                  To view your transcripts click on the above link, if you have never registered before, you will need to register and wait 5 to 10 days to receive an access code in the mail otherwise I believe they will mail them to you, you can also call the IRS number on the link to have them mailed.

                • #4238534

                    How do u view the transcripts everyone is talking about?

                  • #4238420

                      Bars are back today! DDD 3-14-18!

                    • #4238418

                        Husband filed 1/22 and DDD 3/14 this morning!

                      • #4238414

                          Filed accepted 2/21 Approved 03/10

                        • #4237875

                            Filed/Accepted 2/23
                            1099; Adoption Credit; Mortgage; Business Deductions; other misc deductions

                            Went no bars 3/6 and still have no bars and TT 152

                            Check transcript and they are posted today!

                            According to that, DD on 3-14-18!!!!! :-D

                          • #4237835

                              Where do you find code 846 on the transcripts??

                            • #4237801

                                Filed 2/23/2018
                                Accepted 2/23/2018

                                Transcript updated at 6am tgis morning with code 846 direct deposit date of 3/14/2018, WMR still at 1 bar however I know that, that will update on Saturday.

                                Guess we can throw the old time frame for claims processing and updates especially if you’re claiming ctXc AND or EIC or self-employed

                                Good luck everyone

                              • #4237787

                                  Updated today…sort of

                                  Efiled 2/22
                                  Accepted 2/23

                                  WMR still at 1 bar
                                  Transcripts available today

                                  State has message about refund adjusted, but no details.

                                • #4237527

                                    For everyone that filed anytime since the IRS started accepting tax returns I have good news and bad news or it can all be bad news depending on how you look at it.

                                    In September 2017 the House Budget Committee passed a bill requiring the IRS to perform audits or “quasi-audits” on all income tax returns that claim either the child tax credit or earned income credit or both, yes all estimated 28 million tac returns are being looked at line by line and checked for accuracy and income.

                                    Any tax returns that doesn’t pass the initial inspection gets processed but held back for further review, income verification or I’D verification, those that do will be processed and issued.

                                    What this means is this they’re utilizing every single day of the 21 day process that they can we can throw everything we experienced in previous years out the window.

                                    Oh plus they cut the It’s spending budget, and it has no acting commissioner and the interim director is currently performing both duties.

                                    If you would like to read more about it here’s the link

                                  • #4237299

                                      Filed/Accepted 2/23
                                      1099+mortgage+school + other business deductions

                                      Third day of no bars and Tax Topic 152

                                      No transcripts available.

                                    • #4237181

                                        Filed on 2/23 accepted 2/23 still says processing

                                      • #4237169

                                          Filed 2/23/18
                                          Accepted same day
                                          STILL PROCESSING 152 TRANSCRIPTS NOT POPULATED
                                          I’ve been coming here to IGR for years usually coming here let’s me know when the IRS gets the ball rolling. This year other than the 2/22 2/23 mass roll outs it seems as if I’m seeing a lot more people with reviews, having to ID verify and simply not processed. I had looked around on other sites and seen that this morning was supposed to be a big day for 3/9 DDDs yet like on here just like on other sits and unlike in previous years I’m not seeing it, which tells me something isn’t right so I checked around and one of the things I found might be responsible for the delays is that the IRS systems crashed last week, another thing I found that might explain this mess is this article which basically says we currently don’t have an acting head of the IRS and the guy there the former assistant to the director is doing two jobs https://www.forbes.com/sites/beltway/2017/10/26/kautter-is-the-wrong-choice-as-acting-irs-commissioner/#74041f8657f3
                                          Either way I guess we can all hope it’s just off but this is crazy.

                                        • #4237093

                                            @Momma2five I will being following your lead.
                                            I will remain patient as the IRS is doing things differently this year. But I am still hopeful that we both will update on Saturday.

                                          • #4237082

                                              Pfff wrong account number :( and i have 100bucks left on credit.


                                            • #4236930

                                                @Deeman. I’m not going to call until after the 21 days, which for me is March 16th. I sometimes wonder if WMR has made a bigger headache for the IRS than they thought it would! lol

                                              • #4236899

                                                  Well I called the IRS, waited on hold for less than 15 minutes lucky me. Only to be told to call back on 3/19 if I do not receive my refund because they have not even processed my return.

                                                • #4236893

                                                    Filed and Accepted 2/23 and still one bar. Hoping we update soon.

                                                  • #4236836

                                                      File Accepted 2/23

                                                      I’m on my second day of the bar disappearing with Tax Topic 152

                                                    • #4236742

                                                        I filed on 2/25 and was accepted the same day. Since then, WMR has been showing 1 bar and topic 152. Transcript has cycle code 20180905 and 3/19/18 date. It shows codes 570 and 971 with $0.00. I just checked my bank account and was suprised to see that my state refund was deposited today. Has anyone else had this happen??

                                                      • #4236669

                                                          Hmmm still waiting for DD stayin at 2bar. Received on SBTPG. But not on WMR. Weird.

                                                        • #4236654

                                                            Congratulations to all who recieved their refund.
                                                            I on the other hand am still at one bar.
                                                            I thought there was an update today?
                                                            At what point did anyone realize there was something delaying their refund?

                                                          • #4236628

                                                              I thought it was only early morning deposits…

                                                              I’m still at 1 bar, no updates and no transcripts.

                                                            • #4236566

                                                                Got my deposit today at 2:50pm

                                                              • #4236295

                                                                  waiting for DD. I just cant wait for it. 😂

                                                                  Hopefully turn out to be quick enough.

                                                                • #4236115

                                                                    Tia same here..

                                                                    Filed/Accepted 2/23/18

                                                                    Had 1 bar plus Tax 152 yesterday.

                                                                    Today no status bar and Tax Topic 152.

                                                                  • #4236111

                                                                      I had a bar for my return Having been received.
                                                                      Checked this morning, no bars. Just a message saying we’ve received your return we’ll give a date when available

                                                                      Submitted on 2/16
                                                                      Accepted on 2/17

                                                                    • #4236021

                                                                        Well I woke up to disappointment I’m still at one bar. I filed on February 25 and my return was accepted on 2/26. There are people who filed around the same time as me with DDD of March 7. If I don’t see an update tomorrow then I’m calling the IRS.

                                                                      • #4235880

                                                                          Does anyone know what are the times when irs updates the WMR status???
                                                                          I work graveyard shift and would check my status during the very late hours of the night, that’s why…


                                                                        • #4235421

                                                                            Next big update should be Tuesday into Wednesday. Hopefully we all update then!

                                                                          • #4235404

                                                                              It’s probably going to be an update tomorrow because mines is still at two bars but it should show sent (3bars) tomorrow
                                                                              DDD 7th

                                                                            • #4235357

                                                                                I also filed 2/22, at night, and still sitting at one bar TT152
                                                                                No DDD, I was hoping it would be updated today and nothing.
                                                                                Anyone know when the next big update happens?

                                                                              • #4235236

                                                                                  Efiled 2/22
                                                                                  accepted 2/23

                                                                                  as of 3/4:
                                                                                  no return transcript available and still on 1 bar. no DDD yet.

                                                                                • #4235203

                                                                                    Finally some peeps around the same file date as me! Filed 2/28 sittin at 1 bar 152 tax topic…looks like we r seeing quick updates/turn arounds😀

                                                                                  • #4235143

                                                                                      Filed with TT on 2/23/18 (Night time)
                                                                                      Accepted on 2/23/18
                                                                                      I also have the EIC and this is my first year filing my daughter on my taxes.

                                                                                      Everything was going good until yesterday when i went to check the status and it said its still being processed, a refund will be provide when available without the tax topic. Has anyone recieved this message? Is this a bad thing or should i just wait it out?

                                                                                    • #4235117

                                                                                        Got my DDD today!
                                                                                        filed 2/24 TT
                                                                                        accepted 2/24
                                                                                        transcripts available 3/2
                                                                                        code 846 3/2
                                                                                        woke up to WMR DDD 3/7

                                                                                      • #4235027

                                                                                          Aproved! DDD by 7th.

                                                                                        • #4235003

                                                                                            Not sure how true it is but I’ve heard people say there’s update on a Sunday and Monday morning.

                                                                                          • #4234984

                                                                                              Filed via TurboTax 2/22, accepted 2/22.

                                                                                              Been sitting at Accepted;Processing since with TT152.

                                                                                              My buddy filed at the EXACT same moment as me, already has a DDD date of the 7th.

                                                                                              I’m stressed out.

                                                                                            • #4234924

                                                                                                I’m still at one bar.. filed/accepted 2/23.

                                                                                              • #4234916

                                                                                                  Filed: 2-22-18 at around 8:30AM
                                                                                                  Accepted: 2-22-18
                                                                                                  Approved: 3-3-18
                                                                                                  Estimated DDD: 3-7-18

                                                                                                  Good luck to the rest of you all see you next years!

                                                                                                • #4234887

                                                                                                    Yayyyy! Got an update! I’m sure most of us did.
                                                                                                    DDD March 7th.
                                                                                                    My state was issued,as well, that explains why my info for state went missing Friday morning.

                                                                                                    Anyway I’m sure I’m weekly at this point as this happens to me every year

                                                                                                  • #4234878

                                                                                                      @Danielle, last year I filed on 2/20, updated that Saturday and had my dd by March 1st. And it was pretty much the same return as this year. So it’s possible, and that’s why I’m irritated that I didn’t update overnight since I filed 2/19.

                                                                                                      It doesn’t help that I literally had a dream a few nights ago that it was today and I didn’t update.

                                                                                                    • #4234869

                                                                                                        Filed 2/19 after 2om, accepted same day. Filed with HRBlock.. I know I’m a weekly. EIC and credit for college, 1099. Did not update.

                                                                                                        Now I’m freaked out. Still can see the tax code 152 message on WMR.

                                                                                                      • #4234868

                                                                                                          Someone on here posted they filed 2/26 and they already got a ddd, are they for real???

                                                                                                        • #4234845

                                                                                                            I just checked WMR still at one bar.

                                                                                                          • #4234629

                                                                                                              Filed 2/24
                                                                                                              Accepted 2/24
                                                                                                              Still on 1 bar for feds,

                                                                                                              However SC says I’m accepted and return is being processed. . . hmmmmm

                                                                                                            • #4234571

                                                                                                                So if your able to order your return transcripts your return is approved???

                                                                                                              • #4234426

                                                                                                                  Filed on Feb 25 at 10:40 am
                                                                                                                  Accepted Feb 26
                                                                                                                  WMR is at one bar, hopefully an update by Saturday March 3,2018

                                                                                                                • #4234410

                                                                                                                    Filed February 20th, on tt. Had the original 1 bar, being processed. Then last Saturday updated to bars disappearing, a still processing message and the amount gone from the left side of the screen! I can order both transcripts

                                                                                                                  • #4234406
                                                                                                                    Danielle P

                                                                                                                      Still at 1 bar. Maybe we are all weekly and will update overnight tonight?

                                                                                                                    • #4234401

                                                                                                                        Stil at 1 bar.

                                                                                                                      • #4234342

                                                                                                                          No update for me still 1 bar as of today. I am a little nervous cause I know I have only 1 more day before my worry sets in Omg

                                                                                                                        • #4234316

                                                                                                                            My word. Are they going to update us? Goodness. Its only been 10 days for me as I filed on 02/21.

                                                                                                                          • #4234303

                                                                                                                              Filed and accepted February 23rd
                                                                                                                              1 bar
                                                                                                                              No transcripts
                                                                                                                              Turbo Tax
                                                                                                                              1099/Self Employed and Adoption Credit

                                                                                                                            • #4234278

                                                                                                                                filed 2/24
                                                                                                                                accepted 2/24
                                                                                                                                WMR 1 bar
                                                                                                                                can see online transcripts
                                                                                                                                can order transcripts
                                                                                                                                cycle code 20180905
                                                                                                                                CODE 846
                                                                                                                                I should be getting DDD soon correct?

                                                                                                                              • #4233935

                                                                                                                                  Filed feb 23rd.

                                                                                                                                  Sitting at 1 bar.

                                                                                                                                • #4233911

                                                                                                                                    The good thing is At least we know it’s probably nothing wrong if none of us received an update we may all just get updated over the weekend

                                                                                                                                  • #4233905

                                                                                                                                      @Danielle I think if everything goes right our DDD will be Feb 9th

                                                                                                                                    • #4233744

                                                                                                                                        1 bar still. Good lord. I thought our ddd time was 3/5 or 3/7

                                                                                                                                      • #4233735

                                                                                                                                          Checked WMR this morning still no update on my end hoping it’ll be Saturday

                                                                                                                                        • #4233715

                                                                                                                                            Filed 2/22
                                                                                                                                            Accepted 2/22
                                                                                                                                            Sitting at 1 bar and tt152
                                                                                                                                            ACTC and American Opportunity

                                                                                                                                            Please update us if you get a ddd!!!

                                                                                                                                          • #4233482

                                                                                                                                              Filed February 19 2018
                                                                                                                                              Accepted same day
                                                                                                                                              IS and EIC
                                                                                                                                              Message 152

                                                                                                                                            • #4233459

                                                                                                                                                Hopefully we see an update by Sunday

                                                                                                                                              • #4233448
                                                                                                                                                Danielle P

                                                                                                                                                  Filed 2/21
                                                                                                                                                  Currently at 1 bar and tt152.
                                                                                                                                                  No credits filed
                                                                                                                                                  I have an accountant file my taxes.

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