Credit Unions with DDD of 2/22

Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season Credit Unions with DDD of 2/22

  • This topic has 19 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Mel.
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  • #4222058

      Would like to know if anybody that is having there DD deposited to there local Credit union is going to to get there’s early? Or updates if you do. I filed thru JH but is having my refund deposited thru my Local Credit Union.

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      • #4225973

          @ Justin…No fees taken out and did my taxes thru turbo tax!

        • #4225964


            Did you have fees taken out of your return?

          • #4225957

              GOOD NEWS!! MY BCU credit union just posted my refund! I always get my paycheck two days before my payday so I guess that even applies to federal refunds. My refund date was 2/22 and it just hit my account @ 9:45pm EST!!!

            • #4225666

                I have Safe CU and spoke with them today – she said no deposit pending for my 2/22 DDD. I am beyond annoyed that I do not have my funds, if I had a prepaid card I would have had it by now.

              • #4225022

                  I am with a credit union and received mine today.

                • #4225005

                    My bank, a local credit union, says I have my refund pending for 2/22. My husband and I both have direct deposit for our payroll checks. Those are deposited into our accounts on Thursday evenings at 11:00PM before our actual “payday” of Friday. So, I’m hoping our refund will be in our account tomorrow evening.

                  • #4224591

                      I also have a credit union with a 2/22 DDD. I am hoping to see a posted deposit tomorrow or at least a pending deposit. My state had a DDD of 2/12 but I got it 2/9. FINGERS CROSSED for an early deposit for us all!!!!!!!!!!!

                    • #4224180

                        Mine is pending at my credit union, but the date is 2/22, so I know I won’t get it before then. My state is pending for tomorrow.

                      • #4224160

                          My credit union shows a pending deposit for 2/22…The two told me when they receive a date from the depositor, it cannot be released before that date…IF the depositor transmits and states deposit by xyz date, they cam release the finds at anytime.

                        • #4224159

                            With navy federal cu, if you have a pending direct deposit you can ask them to make that deposit available early, and most of the time they will do it. Unfortunately my deposit is not showing up just yet.

                            p.s. They have never told me no, they wouldn’t do it when I had a pending deposit.

                          • #4224130

                              Normally my credit union does not deposit until the deposit date. I don’t know why I wouldn’t think that the IRS sends a note saying ” Do NOT whatsoever deposit this money until the 22nd.” but who knows they are just trying to be by the book. I have never gotten my deposit early though my credit union. I may call tomorrow and see what everyone has to say..

                            • #4224005

                                Our CU says that we show a pending deposit for 2/22. Hoping it is released before then.

                              • #4223986

                                  nothing so far. Hoping for Tuesday.

                                • #4223983

                                    I have a local credit union as well. I do not see anything pending yet. IRS Website did say BY 2/22, so let’s hope maybe it’s tomorrow since today is a holiday.

                                  • #4223870

                                      Any updates

                                    • #4222117

                                        I’m hoping we get it early. My scheduled work payroll is every Wednesday and I have it deposited thru my Credit Union. And I do get it the night before. Usually around 830pm on Tuesday.

                                      • #4222085

                                          Jerry..I have a credit union and waiting on a deposit. So far,nothing. My DDD is the 22nd..but we are really hoping for today. Don’t want to sit here the entire 3 day weekend broke. I have heard many times and I think on the IRS site..not sure,that Credit Unions DO release pending funds faster. Crossing my fingers.Let me know if you get it faster. Im curious.

                                        • #4222079

                                            I also have a credit union. It did go in early last year. I know I will not see anything today since my credit union does not update deposits on Saturday’s. I am hoping to see it on Tuesday since Monday is a holiday

                                          • #4222064

                                              Split my DD between 2 credit unions. USAA and Navy Federal. USAA has nothing at all showing or pending, which is odd since they usually are first and release funds immediately. Navy Fed showing a deposit pending for the 22nd of February.

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