Credit union deposits?

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  • #4221192

      Just wondering if anyone who filed with tt, had fees taken out, got a deposit in there credit union or bank? If you had the credits

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      • #4221399

          I am hearing that credit unions are getting their money faster and I am so mad at myself I always had the money deposited into my Credit union but it had to go through sbbt because I had my fees taken out of my return.. Well this year I decided to switch to hubby’s Usbank acct and pay the fees upfront because we have all of our bills set up on his acct and I thought I’d be saving a day or 2… nope still waiting for everything.. next yr I’m going right back to my credit union and sbbt even though I have to wait a day with sbbt at least I know when it hits there and I’d have my money the next day… I knew when it hit and it was in my acct all before wmr updated…also the funds were immediately available when they hit my credit union…I have no idea how us bank does things.

        • #4221347

            We have a credit union. Both returns are pending deposit for the 22nd. I’m hoping they will release the funds before that.

          • #4221281

              I use a credit union, and I have both credits. filed 2/12/18 and have my refund pending in my account! I’m wondering how long the bank will hold the $$ though….

            • #4221259

                I have a credit union..nothing yet. Hoping for a DD Saturday even though my DDD is 2/22. Monday being a Holiday for Banks and Credit Unions,I’m hoping they have some pity on us.

              • #4221255

                  True..last year I had amex serve with DDD of it the 23rd…they didn’t have any benefits to the card so I’ve been chase about 8 months now..

                • #4221242

                    Some times it seems unfair being some what responsible like not having a prepaid card and an actual bank account. Not trying to be rude at all.

                  • #4221229

                      I filed 01/27and accepted 01/29…for a DDD 2/ with chase. Not expecting till Friday at the latest

                    • #4221225

                        When did you file? I did on 2/09, a week ago today.

                      • #4221224

                          Credit unions or banks will be the actual deposit date from my experiences. They have rules in place unlike the banks that manage prepaid cards.

                        • #4221213

                            I also used a local credit union and haven’t received a refund.

                          • #4221207

                              Not yet. I use a local credit union.

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