Status Bars Are Gone

Home Forums General Discussion 2014 Tax Season Status Bars Are Gone

  • This topic has 15 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by shaquita.
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  • #20654

      I paid for a fast return (7-14 days to process) and was accepted on the 31st, website showed as received and 21 days to process with the first bar on the 6th, then all of a sudden on the 7th my bars disappeared and is saying still processing and I will receive a deposit day once available. I am suppose to receive a check in the mail. If anyone has any news or information about this I would greatly appreciate it!!!

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      • #24811

          File my taxes on turbo tax they were received feb 4th 2014 and never seen a status bar til yesterday Dec 22 2014 and my boyfriend just got a status bar too anyone knows if that is a good thing or not any info please help

        • #22543

            I filed my return more than 6 wks back,and my refund status says still processing. I called IRS and a guy said it will take 60 days to review. Does anyone come across this kinda info? If yes , how long did it take to get the refund back

          • #21300

              I still have no update!! NO CODES, NO TRANSCRIPTS, NO BARS!

              Anyone have any update ?

            • #21061

                the word i got is due to the gov closeing down its put the irs a16 days behind, all so the new health have to incorported into their computer systerm and you know what a mess that has been. dont feel to bad, lot of peopel are still waiting and wondering… welcome to the world of barack obama.. i am sure you people who voted for him are willing to give up your tax refunds to ehlp the government… right..

                • #22518
                  Mrs. Smith

                    Yeah, he’s having a helluva time cleaning up 8 years of Bush Bullsh*t. And BTW, the IRS started processing late but once they were up and running the government shutdown has nothing to do with current processing. Know your facts please before posting. How do I know?….I’m an IRS employee…that’s how.
                    The disappearing bars mean either the return has pulled for review, the taxpayer has checked WMR a large number of times in a short period or it really could just be nothing other than still processing.

                • #21025

                    I sent mine on 02/11/2014 electronically, nothing was showing until this monday 02/24/2014 (it had the bars)… as of yesterday the bars are gone and is giving me the same message as you guys “till processing and I will receive a deposit day once available”. Does anyone know what this means? I am getting nervous.

                  • #21006

                      @Paulette I wish I knew what was going on. I have no bars no code or updates since 2/7 and the IRS said they see no letter being sent out, to give it more time!! Its RIDICULOUS

                    • #20959

                        If I file on 02/01/2014 when would be my 21 days because they say Saturdays Sundays and holidays don’t count

                      • #20958

                          My bars gone since Friday I file since 02/01/2014 can someone tell me what’s going on

                        • #20834

                            @mariela where is there an option to pay for a “fast refund?”

                            • #20854

                                @winston36 I filed my taxes with a company that asked me if I would like to pay extra to receive my refund faster, which OBVIOUSLY did not work. I’m still waiting :(

                            • #20672

                                I was accepted 1/24 thru turbotax and it was still processing until last night. When I checked this morning it gave me same message about receiving a date when available with my bars now gone. I opted to receive direct deposits, but today also it DID let me order tdanscripts on the irs2go app. But where do you see the codes?

                                • #20674

                                    @danielle well being able to order your transcripts they say is a good sign, so congrats! But your bars have still not reappeared? I dont know where to see the codes, I have not been able to see any code or order transcripts, when I try to order them from the app its says “Your request cannot be completed. Please try again later or request your transcript online at”

                                • #20661

                                    I know we are receiving a check by mail because that is how we preferred to get our refund since our tax preparer suggested to since we didn’t have a bank account to deposit it in and she should it would get there faster, yeah right! The same thing happened to me when I tried ordering transcripts for 2013. I wish I had more information but I don’t! I have no clue what is going on. If I get any news I will post it up here… And if you get any I would appreciate the same :)

                                  • #20658

                                      How do you know you are receiving a check in the mail? My boyfriend’s bars disappeared around the same time as yours. All his says is it is processing and tax topic 152. I tried to get transcripts and it locked me out. It said the info didn’t match the latest return and I know it did. So where did you see that you were getting a check? I would be happy to know that they were going to do something besides leave him in return purgatory.

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