UNFUNDED SBTPG- what does this mean?

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season UNFUNDED SBTPG- what does this mean?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Tlove22.
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  • #4517430

      I am still unfunded on SBTPG. My DDD is tomorrow. Does this mean my refund will be delayed???

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      • #4521229

          Can tpg send back ure refund if ure closed bank account request it?

        • #4517442

            Well this sucks… refund already drastically reduced now this…

          • #4517433

              But, take comfort in knowing that your refund is more than likely going to be in your account within the next few days at the least, and that you are not still waiting like the vast majority of those who filed already. 👍🏽

            • #4517432

                Most banks will hold it for 48 hours, but then you have those like SBT that will try to hold it for 7 days. Banks make more money doing this, and they suck for that.

              • #4517431

                  No. It means that SBT is holding it for fees to be taken (if needed) for the tax software or company that did your taxes, or it could be that they are holding it for a few days time just to clear the payment (which is a lie, because payments for refunds should be considered guaranteed; especially if it’s from the government) and they are just being douchbags about giving you access to your money.

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