Letter from IRS id verify

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season Letter from IRS id verify

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Amyk.
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  • #4521499

      Filed 1/23 excepted same day wmr still being processed transcript n/a since February just got letter to ID verify last Thursday so if you been waiting no update trying verify your ID on IRS website ahead of time…uggh says could take up to 9 weeks after for refund..

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      • #4522302

          I also had the 150 code I know that was for a state debt. I have the 971 which I read is where the irs made an adjustment to my account which they did by about -200 I read that the 570 code on there is because the adjustment they hold or freeze your refund 7 to 10 days so you have time to dispute. So hopefully next week we will get a date fingers crossed this week 🤞🏼

        • #4522298

            Aalyah Marie

            I contacted my congressman’s office I had to verify my ID and wage forms they also wanted me to send a copy of my w2 after that is when I got the letter to ID verify again even though I have had my same account on ID ME since last year.

          • #4522285
            Aalyah marie

              Me also I checked yesterday on irs website for my transcript it says code 20221505 no 846 i has 150 but refund due 4/15 or 5/2 (whichever is later) no updates on WMR went from delay message to we have received your return it is being processed.
              In February I had also gotten the letter stating I had to verify my ID and that it would be 9 weeks so hopefully with this new code on my transcript it means by May 2nd it will be deposited fingers crossed

            • #4522223

                Hey Joy did you get any updates yet. I f/a 2/3
                As of has changed so many times. Got ID letter in mail I already had the ID ME but I verified again that was two weeks ago yesterday my transcripts finally showed up with 20221505 no 846 but refund due 4/15 or 5/2 (whichever is later) no updates on WMR went from delay message to we have received your return it is being processed.

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